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I completely agree with everything you shared. Communication is absolutely crucial for them right now. I understand that they're just 16, and madly in love, but they're also navigating one of the most complex relationships ever. Since season 1, I've always tried to see both Wille’s and Simon’s perspectives (as both of their characters have so much depth to them (I’m still amazed by it honestly)), and I’ll continue to do so for this season. Yet, as you pointed out, its clear that Simon is in a more targeted living situation currently. Wille benefits from top-notch security, but Simon lacks that luxury, which of course made it easy for the attack to occur. I guess in the next ep I'm eager to see how they’ll address this attack on Simon’s family because a change is needed. Personally, I'm hoping that Simon and Wille can have a conversation that leads to Wille using his resources to arrange security for Simon, but I guess we’ll see.

Lane Wright

It’s possible that Felice has been told by Wille that Sara reported August, but possibly not as well. And I don’t think Felice‘s friends know, since the whole reason for the settlement was to keep the truth of August’s guilt from being public. I think they are still upset with Sara because she was dating August and not reporting him. They were already treating her this way at the end of the previous season, and I think this is just a continuation of that behavior.

Jessi Lovely

I can just see the “indoctrinating our kids” comments for that little fanboy photo😢 Isn’t it so backwards how the leader of the country, meant to be the catalyst for change, is the very one often holding it back? This episode was (hard to watch with both eyes open as usual) such a palpable way to understand this. Genius!