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Jessi Lovely

Poor Wille, that last phone call with his dad felt like a whole boulder😢 The writer of the series/story was saying how she wanted to call into question the efficacy of a traditional Royal Family (in Sweden) in the face of a changing society. In this episode it really highlights the mental heaviness and the toll it takes on anyone on that boat - a freakin teenager who is grieving, discovering his sexuality, dealing with anxiety and guilt, getting prepared to lead a whole-ass country (or at least be its representative face) AND expected to do his studies….and all in the public eye. No. Thank. You. Out of context this is highly inappropriate and borderline abusive. I wish groups of government officials and representatives all over the world that still practice this (like mine in the UK which is also a mess) could watch this show. (I know, we can dream 😂). The issues brought up are overwhelming but important to confront. As always, the music is 🔥 Who else has Shazam on standby while watching? 🤣 🙋🏾‍♀️ Of course Erik was involved in shady shit…anyone involved with August…I just hope he wasn’t an instigator or mastermind behind it all, but I feel like that hope will age like milk. Knowing this show, when you think it can’t get worse it will devastate us all at some point.

Onley James

I constantly keep having to remind myself that they're only 16. Like the show does a great job of having them communicate like their age group while dealing with insanely adult things. Still, sometimes I want to slap Wille upside the head. He's always accidentally stepping on Simon's feelings and Simon is always the one just swallowing it down and pretending everything is fine.


wiles problems and anxiety is something that not everyone can understand. He’s 16 years old LITERALL child yet 🥹 and he’s constantly pressured over many things, i just cannot imagine dealing with being a prince and everyone trying to destroy you, your family not being there with you, not understanding you, also trying not to hurt his love of his life but it’s not that easy. people hurt each other in normal relationships too when theres no such hardships to deal with and idk why do people be pressing over their difficulties to understand fully each other. both simons and willes mind are stressed. And many people don’t understand willes character i suppose..because they talk it so selflessly. i would love to continuo in depth but you will get spoiled so not rn😭 but theres a saying in my native language “who picked a rose without a thorn” this means that no one can pick and take a rose that has thorns without not touching thorns and having discomfort, some people are careful with it and some people end up cutting something but in the end you have a perfect roses that’s beautiful and there is no thorns anymore<3

Lane Wright

What I think happens in the scene during the campout is that the conversation gets awkward around the assumption of the girls that everyone has experienced trips to New York, so Wille tries to change the subject to something he thinks will be less controversial. Unfortunately, what he says just re-emphasizes his privilege in a way that doesn’t occur to him. I don’t think anybody is trying to be insensitive, but because of their limited experience of the world, mostly due to their privilege, the Hillerska students forget that everyone doesn’t have the same advantages they have.