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I don't know if the marriage jokes were working too well so I changed them to something else. Hopefully this works better. And hopefully I won't feel like changing it again in a few days when i re-read it.

I might put the 4 pages in this first badge because I feel like people might feel disappointed if there's no nsfw content at all in the badge.




You definitely get a good idea of everybody's personalities with this dialogue, I really like it. Also the talk about gym showers circling back in "so what gym do you go to?" is so funny I almost spit out my drink.


This is great! “Are you supposed to stick your dick in crazy or not? I forget” is soooo good hahaha


Thank you! That's nice to hear. The "will you marry me?" in the previous iteration was supposed to be a callback too, but i'm not sure it was ovbious. Was mostly why i changed it. Glad it works better now!