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Here are all the characters (some discarded) that I made before starting on patreon, keep in mind that several or many may be broken, have things done wrong or lack more quality.

My goal is to update them all little by little, since many I think I can improve them significantly, so this pots is for you to tell me which characters you think deserve an update, improvement or adjustment.

Objectives of the updates and that you can suggest me in a comment in this pot:

- Add some new outfit

- Add some new hairstyle

- Enhance existing hairstyle

- Enhance the full look of the face

- Adjust the positioning of accessories

- Add overlays or enhance what you already have (which are very few)

- Improve some or all outfits

- Or a Complete ReWork

This will not replace my current character list, nor will it replace characters that win in the suggestion box. The objective is that over time I will dedicate them and bringing updates so that they are at the level of the patreon characters.

So download them, check them out and if you think something needs tweaking comment.

See you n.n




I think Elsa and Hestia could be improved enhancing the hairstyle and the face. Also Elsa's outfit.