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Hey everyone! Sorry to update this so late, but as you can see, I had a lot of work done this month! Without further ado, let's get right into the description of these pieces!

This first one is the most recently finished piece since it was the most simplistic (Finished about 20 minutes before this post was made). Just our dear Larxene (Or Ren if you prefer) sneezing while taking a shower. I realized while doing this I need to figure out how to add something when it comes to making a more... dynamic picture like this. Some effects or something drawn on to add a bit to the character. Perhaps I'll figure something out in the future.

Second we have Xion and Namine getting a little intimate here. My guess is they were getting it on when Kairi walked in on them, but Xion didn't want to stop even though Namine insisted. Or at the very least, that's the story I'm going with here XD. I do like how Xion's butt turned out in this piece, but this one was definitely tricky to do, given Xion's leg position and having to edit Namine's bedroom stage a good bit so that certain props wouldn't get in the way. This was actually the first piece done of this set of commissions. 

Next we have probably my favorite out of this set to work on commissioned by long time commissioner D3D. They wanted to give some love to Sinnoh due to the recent two Pokemon games releasing, so they chose to have Dawn as the main star. The story here is Arceus was supposed to have a mission for Dawn and was going to send her back in time, but sorta messed up and sent her to Galar without any clothes on. Luckily her trusty partner Piplup was there to join her though!  I decided to make 3 pictures for this one since I'm a bit late on my own Sinnoh style content right now (I have some planned for the future!). Hopefully you guys enjoy the 3 pieces with one of my favorite traveling companions for Ash.

Fourth is a unique comic commission from deviant art. Xion learns about human reproduction and how it works, explaining the same to Roxas over a year later. Originally this would have probably been two panels, but since I do comics in factors of 5, the commissioner decided to add a few extra panels to help it meet the minimum requirements. 

These last two pieces aren't technically comic commissions, but I chose to turn them into ones for different reasons! The first one is because the user actually commissioned a piece they had already gotten as a request, but since they're a long time user and someone who pays extra every month, I chose to give them a comic instead. I think this one turned out pretty good despite me being slightly out of practice when it comes to comic commissions. 

This last piece was turned into a comic simply due to the fact that the way the picture was described, it fit more for a comic than an individual picture. I also felt like I wouldn't have been able to do the piece justice as a simple picture since my rope model isn't as easy to work with as I would like. Hopefully they like the comic more than a single picture!

That's all for this month! Hopefully before the next commission batch comes out I can get some of my own original art done!



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