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Hey guys! Here are the commissions for the month of February! This was my first month doing comics again, but I decided to limit myself and go small this time around, limiting everyone who wanted one to just 10 panels. Honestly this is way more manageable than just a couple of 10 panel ones and a few 20+ panel comics. I may stick with this format for the time being. Anyway, let's get into those descriptions!

To start us off is the sole picture for this month, being a Ladybug themed commission! A rare occurrence for me since most of my commissions are either kh, smash, or pokemon related. The basic premise is that Ladybug's suit ended having her suit dissolved by an Akuma (based off a comic issue where something similar happened to Spider-man, who Ladybug is partially based off of) as a reporter and bystanders surround her! Doesn't help that her crush is there who just so happens to be seeing his own crush exposed in front of him. Overall, I like how this turned out. The camera model I had was being a bit wonky, as was the crowd in the background, but I think it turned out okay. I give it a solid 8/10.

Next we have a commission based off of another user's comic (unknown author). The premise is the girls attempt to seduce someone opposite to their partner. Technically this comic was supposed to stop at panel 4 but I decided to stretch it out so the commissioner could get their money's worth. That and I figured why not use the pregnant slider I have for my kh girls. All of them have it and I've never gotten a chance to use it, so why not? XD

Next we have a follow-up to one of the November 2020 Commissions! (Same commissioner). It follows the night Xion spent with Olette, having lingering effects from the spell she used to spice up their love making. The person just requested a follow-up with Xion and Namine, but I thought I'd go a different route and make it a bit more humorous. I also added a few extra panels since it was my idea to do a little extra. Remember that if I like your idea enough, I may just give you some extra panels for free! 

Lastly we have an unexpected and probably my favorite commission of this batch, being one based around Frozen. Originally the commissioner wanted the two royal sisters to just simply talk about their life. I found that a bit challenging to do within the 10 panel limit, but I decided to make it both arousing and feelsy! I hope that I delivered well on this commission!

That's it for the month of February folks! I hope you enjoyed this month's commissions! I actually had a real blast making these and it's nice to be doing short comics again. Hopefully doing shorter works will help me shorten some of my own ideas XD. Until next time!



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