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Sorry for the delay guys once again guys! Life has been a huge pain lately, but I finally got the work done! These 4 comics a month commissions are a bit rough on the mental state, so I'm wondering if I should change something about that? I'll probably decide sometime in the future. In the mean time, enjoy the commissions!

Commission 1 - A bit of a late Halloween type comic. This was sort of a parody from horror movie tropes like the shining and other old type horror films with a sort of twist ending. I actually did a decent amount of model editing to make this work a bit more naturally than what was planned, so I'm glad it came out looking decent. Also I had to have Rima giving Sora a smug look at the end lol.

Commission 2 - This person wanted a sort of lovers type situation with Ryuko and Mako. I wasn't sure at first if I could do this within the 10 panel limit, but to my surprise, I managed it! I also got to try out my new Kill la Kill models I've had sitting in a folder for a while. These are actually the models from the game that released I believe last year or earlier this year. It sucks that Mako doesn't have a nude base though cuz otherwise we could have some really interesting scenarios with these two. I also had to edit the public hair and nipples onto Ryuko's model myself since her base was pretty bare. Hopefully I can use these from now on instead of the other ones. 

Commission 3 -  This was... taxing commission if I'm being honest. Mostly because Honoka's model was just really difficult to work with. Safe to say, this will be my only comic with ANY of the DOA girls from now on, hence why they're registered as (Pictures only) in my model list. I tried to keep the comic as close to the original commissioner's vision as possible, but I did have to tweak a few things like making their personalities match a bit more to their canon selves. I'm not too big a fan of writing a character out of their natural personality. (Also I have no idea about the personality of the DOA girls other than just boobs so I sorta had to wing itXD). 

Commission 4 - Now this was my favorite comic to work on out of this bunch. I actually forgot how many panels this person was limited to in their tier and by the time I noticed I was already almost done. So I just said screw it and kept going. So I guess have a freebie longer comic? XD One of the reasons I love this one so much was because I finally got to use my Sonia model! I've been dying to use her and it actually helped me come up with some more ideas for her in the future!

That's it for October's commissions! I'll try and do better and get next month's commissions out on time!




About the comic commissions wearing you out maybe you can alternate between who gets a comic commission depending on the month. Like say each month you have 4 patrons who are at the comic tier; during the first month 2 patrons get their comic done while the other 2 get a certain amount of pictures done based on their tier (For example whoever is at the $20 tier gets 2 pictures done. Since you say pictures and portraits take less of a toll on you.) and the following month alternate.


Another idea would be instead of trying to get all the commissions done by the first week of the month spread them out throughout the month. Like maybe post one comic commission once per week.


The only problem is people can run off without paying though, even with patreon's settings in place