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Hi lovelies!

I hope you've had a very happy and productive New Year so far. I'm currently working on the next early-access audio to post for you guys (which will also mark my return to GWA after a hot minute 😅).

However, in the meantime, I thought it'd be fun to give you all some input into the next exclusive audio that I create. And so, it's time for the first poll of 2024!

I will be making an audio with tags suggested by YOU.

Simply comment with a tag you would like to hear me play down below, and the 3 comments with the most likes will be the tags that I use in the next audio!

Just a couple of ground rules:
1: No tags that aren't accepted in GWA (aka Ageplay, Raceplay or Snuff).
2: No Blood, Scat or Vomit tags.
3: No explicit non-con. CNC is accepted.

The deadline for this poll will be five days from now (Wednesday the 10th in my timezone), so get in quick.

Have fun! And happy New Year again! 🎉🎉🎉





Mild yandere please!


Um.. more mdom meet cute situations please🥵🙈 perhaps some morally gray Dom entity? Like ancient God or rogue assassin coercing their playthings into submission? 🙈🙈