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Hello to you all!~

If you are reading this post, the first thing that I want to say is a very special thank you: Because of your support, what felt like a pipe dream of becoming a voice-actor has become a reality! I am so, so, so grateful for each and every one of you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. None of this would be possible without you listening to and engaging with my content. Yes, that means you! And you! And all of you!~

Secondly, I'd like to extend an official welcome, and highlight a few things towards how I'd like this Patreon to develop:

  • At the moment, I am still tweaking exclusive content offerings and tiers. I create my audios around my 9-5 and other social commitments, and so I want to make sure that my content releases are both consistent and manageable with my schedule. If there ever happens to be a case where I am not able to meet my content offerings, or if I plan on taking a break (due to an emergency or to recuperate my mental battery) I will let all of you know, and pause my billing until the situation is remedied or I have returned. If it's a matter of content being slightly late, I will give you a heads up, but normally this will not warrant pausing billing.
  • I will be releasing exclusive content at every tier! So no matter what, you will be getting extra goodies (such as Ramblefaps, SFW & ASMR Roleplays, SFW Rambles, Singing Covers, Q&A's, and Bloopers).
  • Every tier will also have early access to my content (at the moment, I am starting with 3-4 days early, and will eventually scale up to 1 week early as I streamline my recording/editing process).
  • At the moment, I am looking at releasing two exclusive NSFW audios per month (1 to Emerald tier, and 2 to Ruby tier), along with other voting benefits to Ruby tier members.
  • As for script-fills, any script-fills on my Patreon will only be performed with prior permission from the scriptwriter. It would be wrong of me to lock a writer's content behind a paywall without their consent.

Finally, I would like to say a quick something about mutual respect: You have all honestly been absolutely lovely so far, and the vast majority of the interactions that I have had with listeners have been very respectful, polite and kind. However, behind the microphone I am still a person with feelings and the right to respect.

If you'd like to DM me, go ahead, but I am not going to sext you. I am not going to be your kink dispenser. I am not going to send you nudes, photos or videos. I am not going to give you any private information. Ever.

It feels a little like I'm preaching to the choir, because like I said, you all have been so genuine and lovely with your messages of support for my audios and the work that goes into them. But regardless, it is important that it is said so there's no room for miscommunication. And of course, it applies vice-versa. My goal is to foster an inclusive and fun community, and so safety and mutual respect is of utmost importance.

Alright, big long essay over! Back to me making sexy noises. Thank you again for reading, and supporting me on this amazing journey!

- Useless~


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