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Hi all! I promised I'd update you on the situation before the next payment period rolls around, so here's where things currently stand!

While I'm still being careful with my hands, I do think things have improved enough that I can continue posting the usual monthly illustration + wallpapers + coloring pages/lineart! Unfortunately, though, I won't be posting consistent bonuses just yet - so additional sets, process posts, etc will be on the backburner for a while.

I'm also going to experiment with choosing the wallpaper topics myself rather than running polls, since this will give me an extra week of wiggle room - if it doesn't feel like a significant difference, though, I'll bring the polls back (regardless, please feel free to continue making suggestions/requests and I'll consider them when choosing!)

If anything else changes, I'll let you all know as quickly as possible!

To close, thank you so much for your support up to this point. Whether you decide to stick around or not (and absolutely zero hard feelings if you don't - I know it's tough out here for everyone, and the last thing I want is for anyone to overextend themselves), I sincerely cannot thank you enough for the breathing room you've already given me.

Take care of yourselves, and I hope the month has been good to you!



Hello Rii, thank you for you transparency on the situation. I hope you're taking the time you need to heal so that you get better. Please do all you need for your hands to heal!

Vicki Tsai (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 12:05:21 echoing what others have said to prioritize your health! <3 i hope you feel better bit by bit rii, cheering you on!
2023-08-24 21:59:26 echoing what others have said to prioritize your health! <3 i hope you feel better bit by bit rii, cheering you on!

echoing what others have said to prioritize your health! <3 i hope you feel better bit by bit rii, cheering you on!


Thank you so much...!! I'll do my best, so hopefully I can get back in the swing of things before long!


You’re so talented, and I’m glad you can take this opportunity to prioritize your health! I look forward to being surprised by what cool wallpapers/art you do, it’s one of my favorite treats every month <33


I'm so glad to hear you've enjoyed it, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a sweet message...! 😭💞