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It's taking me a while to sort through my reference photos, but I wanted to post *something* this month, so here's a small collection to get us started! (Sorry, they'll be more thorough in the future!) This one contains three species of magnolia: the southern magnolia, the saucer magnolia, and the star magnolia.

I take a lot of quick photos wherever I go in case I'll need them later, so they might not be the prettiest, but I do try to make sure they're effective - I usually focus on getting various angles of the buds and flowers, but sometimes I'll grab a few pictures of the leaves, branches, and seed pods. I hope these are useful!

Terms of use: Feel free to use these as references in both personal and commercial work. You can trace them or edit them, too! All that I ask is that you don't sell or distribute the original photos or claim them as your own work.



Emily E.

We've got saucer magnolias (which I didn't know the specific name of until now!) near where I am, but just after they bloomed we got a late snowstorm and they all wilted before I could get any good photos.. so it's especially lovely to see your pictures of them <3 That looks like such a huge tree, I love it!


I'm so glad you like them...! We had a similar issue with wind and rain knocking all of the pear blossoms off earlier than usual - I hate when it happens, but there's always next spring to look forward to!