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I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that INPRNT is running a promo this weekend for free worldwide shipping on orders over $30 USD! I know international shipping from the US can get pretty pricey, so if you've been considering grabbing anything, this is a good chance to avoid that additional cost!

If you do order anything, be sure to use your 15% code, which should work on everything except for art cards (which is out of my hands, I'm sorry!): NS7IJQK

My shop is here! 




It's finally my chance! I once loaded my basket full, only to see the cost of shipping and woefully turned back. I hope the deal lasts at least a week or 2 more.


Also-! It was because of your art that I started playing Earthbound in 2020. I thought, "Damn, this artist I respect REALLY likes Earthbound. It must be really good."


Unfortunately I think the deal is only for this weekend, but I feel like the free shipping promo pops up a few times a year, so there's always next time if you can't quite make it! Thank you so much for your interest either way 🥺🙏


It's true, I really love EarthBound LOL...!! That really warms my heart though, I hope you've enjoyed playing it! :')