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Low-key hope Paul's Reddit take is kayfabe. Especially after ranting about media being a political psy-op recently. The irony is immense. All of Reddit is weird power-tripping autists soaking in corporate-approved echo chambers.


You dare question Lord Paul! YOU HERETIC! Bangcat must be punished! If not for dereliction of duty than for active sabotage! He was given a Direct order and did not even attempt to preform. He must be held trial before our Three Emperors account for his lapse in service. Moderation is a privilege, not a right. Behead the Cat!

Max Schwalen

Dave actually shed light on why Peterson is such a clown here lol. When you only eat meat, you don’t get the sugar or carbs that you need for your brain to function properly. Explains a lot lmfao


Following in the footsteps of my lord I think I commented on the wrong post. Praise lord Scotty and all his wisdom