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Which one is the worst?



Torkel Svenson Hagström

What makes the circus music even more fitting is that it was intended as a military march and its official name is "Entry of the Gladiators"

john barton

Yeah I didn't like this gauntlet that much, it felt all over the place. Sorry guys.


Least schizophrenic gauntlet

Torkel Svenson Hagström

Banter gauntlet with more obsession about Vaush with some Roseanne, Schneider and Tate stuff thrown in

ian Lane

Vorsh won this gauntlet.

Save That Bear

I like satire, and this gauntlet was a most enjoyable one. Hopefully the religious right will not get it, and Jim Jones themselves into mass oblivion, right after this year's Super Bowl starring Taylor Swift.


Fucking Youtube, dammit


Paul’s impersonation of TJ killed me 😂😂


scottys kfabes arent even funny at this point. hes essentially the kid on the block who says "nuh uh, your hit didnt work on me because i have infinity health"

Hulkster x

Best fucking gauntlet to date!

Grickle Grass

Lol you guys want a 6hr, focused videos on Andrew taint and other deporables... The boys fighting is why I'm here . Trolling tj is peak culture. I was smiling and satisfied 😌

Joe Smerdon

Yeah, I think if they focused on one topic like the classic gauntlets it would've been better but having 3 separate topics and votes in between just made it feel kind of schizophrenic.

Grickle Grass

I was going to cancel in the 7 day trial. But I can't bring myself to take money from little Tommy and his big brothers. Keep it up Boys

Baron of Patron

Did something happen to the YouTube stream?

Curtis Howard

That was the best stream. TJ was so defeated.


This was the scooter and the hog gauntlet



Austin Graham

I skipped so much of this gauntlet. Sad


I get TJ trolling is a meme for a laugh but for it to last more than a brief moment it got stale. Lots of asides in this episode more than others they've done. I was looking forward to this as a Vs Hasbeen/Awful Comedian Gauntlet for a throwback to those old tourneys.


I feel like they realized they didn't have enough content for this so they starting kayfabing to fill time (I never had a problem with how they approached gauntlets in the past but this was to much)


Talking about farts… I work a job where I have to wear a multi-gas detector and it detects methane…which we release in farts. So anytime someone farts our gas detectors loudly beep and flash red. Literally can’t hide our farts. 😆


removing this from YouTube is a very Tommy thing to do


Ian has hated me for years and is a bitter failure of a human being. He's one of the people who when AI replaces his derivative art will have nothing besides hating a podcaster who towers above him.


They got so goddamn bored during this gauntlet

Corbin Tadlock

Wow this one was incredibly boring. I get trolling TJ can be funny, but only if it's done in a funny way or TJ is participating. Just being annoying to be annoying for six straight hours isn't funny or entertaining. It's just annoying.


Kayfabe can be funny in small amounts, but this gauntlet suffered from a fatal overdose! It was genuinely painful after an hour. AWFULNESS 10 UNFUNNYNESS 10 STUPIDITY 10

I raped Jesus in his tomb

I prefer the YouTube versions, Patreon does not have a very good player

jose nieves

It's saying I have to pay $7 to watch I don't mind but I'm sure I'm a patron already I'll check on my PC tomorrow if I'm able to. Unless I'm meant to pay for the gauntlet then I don't mind.

Captain Tunnel

The pilot episode of the Eternal Sufferings was pretty good.

Jersey Silva

Worst gauntlet ever

Jeffrey Searcy

Yeah I think these definitely need to be more organized, none of you really seemed interested at all in the topic and it just devolved into a bantersode.

Emerius Jones

Don't listen to these pussies. The banterlet was good.

Roman Douchington

im a simp so i loved it. great gauntlet!

Grickle Grass

You have no culture. What you call anoyying. Is top tier trolling. Tj was in on it. And it lasted a hour. Chat exploded . Do you just listion too audio or something?

Grickle Grass

Nerd.! Your the kid. That tells the substutite teacher. We have to do math at 11am. Be cooler

Corbin Tadlock

No I watched it. Granted, I was only halfway through at the point I made the comment and they moved on, but they had only played two or three videos, barely said anything about it and spent the majority of time being obtuse. If TJ was in on it, then I'm disappointed because him being in on it amounted to what it did to me. Silently sitting there as our patience wore thinner and thinner. Idk what you call culture, but I wouldn't call a couple guys being annoying for 3 hours cultured. Also, I couldn't possibly care less how the chat was reacting lol

Corbin Tadlock

I mean, trolling is always entertaining to the troll and I get that. But spectating trolling is only funny when the trolling itself is clever or the victim blows a gasket in an entertaining way. Normally, I'm all for trolling TJ, but man did it last way too long resulting in a lot of the hosts walking away and sitting in either silence or engaged in directless vamping.

Jeffrey Searcy

What is the point of these if they aren’t going to stay on topic? It’s just another regular show at that point.

Atticus Omundson

Everyone shitting on this Gauntlet are just TJ's alts. He's trying to dissuade you from the Ten Hour Gergi Gauntlet we all know is coming.


Paul in this episode was amazing The other two were riding his coat-tails the whole time

Emerius Jones

Basically randomness?.. are you saying Lucian hobbadok aka Corpse midget is behind the Houthi scourge?

Christian McDougall

I think Tate is the worst, just by the sheer number of clones he produces.

Nancy Pulussy

I think I would rather eat out Trump's nunt than watch this again.


All of the distractions was gold We need more episodes like this where you talk to each other like this


scotty is really god damn funny

Arthur Wilber

Paul and Scotty trolling Tj with a sample sized version of democracy is beautiful


Tommy Kirk


Bring back Jacques le French, and Some Guy best characters in a long time!


This Gauntlet was definitely entirely off the rails sometimes but I don't care sometimes mfs need a break plus I like when you guys get creative hahaha. I like when you guys come up with new characters. This has helped my clinically depressed ass have a chill laugh for once

The Leftist Jester

Yeah I was Crafty on the Roswell FM movie and met Bob from That 70's Show. The dude is a fellow Degenerate. I was visiting my mom and sister in the administrative trailer where they worked. He came in there and spotted my mom and sister and said, "What are you guys looking at? Porn?" BTW... this shit Roswell FM, needs to be added to my IMDB, as well as for my sister.


This was an excellent gauntlet gentlemen. You’ve shown me such sights. Scotty shit himself, TJ made some awful characters. Paul’s pp was good


Thomas "tombi" James Kirk

john barton

I've rewatched it, changed my opinion, I ended up enjoying the chaos of it


@1:10:00 Scotty says what we were all thinking lol. Rosanne lets the dog out of the burning house and he's like "Ok good that was really the only thing I was worried about" 😂

Todd Danner

The calculus utilized by Cheejay in his bid to turn the tables on Ball and Kaiser was frustratingly beautiful to watch. This was legitimately the sufferings of TJ Kirk. Sorry TJ, it was entertaining.

Mr. Garak

That deaf , dumb and blind kid ... Sure plays a mean pinball.

Nostalgia Trip

dude... the pitting of swifties vs MAGA is a nightmare. my mom is the former, my dad is the latter. my mom thankfully alongside myself isnt a fan of trump, but we will see how this marriage goes if this " theory" comes true.

Bryant Field

Next Gauntlet should be TJ forced to play dark souls for 6 hours

Passionate Lobster

I managed to fall asleep in the last 10 minutes and ended up watching it a second time.

Nostalgia Trip

true story: my french teacher (a french man) had a hog so undeniably huge that no pants he wore could contain the outline.


I love how Paul's impression of Stevie is the same as The Living Man.

Anthony Avon Art

How is Paul able to carry this Gauntlet with his bad back? What a legend, what an entertainer. We got like 30 minutes of the actual topic but the rest was comedy gold.


Legit nothing makes me laugh harder than Paul reacting to Andrew Tate

Emerius Jones

I like the fact that Glenn beck owns the Vader helmet, is that weird?


Man, poor Tommy got trolled hard this episode.


what the fuck is even going on in this one? xD

Aldo Hernandez

Id love to listen to paul forrest gump himself through hollywood history for 6 hours lmao


Is the 7 dollar paid one different?

William Steadman

I am fully convinced that Roseanne is just playing a part and is the best grifter/troll to exist


The West Memphis Three are guilty btw


I feel bad for TJ cause he did seem annoyed when everyone was rating Rosanne but damn that was hilarious!

Michael Sims

I like how the comments started off with people hating it and le epic ratioing people who didn't. The new comments are now the opposite.

Connor Madison

Scotty shit his britches before we got GTA 6



Pauls impressions were the best part of the show

Moist Calzone

Paul's rendition of Space Oddity stole the gauntlet.




Probably one of the worst gautlets in my opinion


Oooooh Fuck i forgot i still have this profile pic, hahaha yes. It's a great album


It's an old profile pic I put on years ago when the album came out cause I really fucked with it and I forget it's still my profile pic sometimes hahaha

Andrew Yoo

Jacque L'French! :D

Garrett Bay

4:04:00 truly brilliant trolling right there Paul 👏


Jacque L'French saved this gauntlet. That well-timed accordion music was hilarious.


The water in their heads actually took me out I'm a bad person I'm so sorry


Felt like a TJ v Paul v Scotty gauntlet


Jacque had me dying, please grace us with more of his magnificent baguette


Imagine being so depraved that you are disappointed there was too much hilarious banter and a new Paul character rather than more Roseanne, Andrew Tate and Rob Schneider


I enjoyed this Bantersode gauntlet

Kyle S

This has to be my favorite episode you guys have done recently. Hilarious 😂


Excellent gauntlet gents. Love how it got a little off the rails at times. Just seemed like everyone was having some fun amidst the schlock. Instant classic.


They removed my previous comment criticizing the episode.

pinkdog1992 .

indian gauntlet and jorden peterson 2 please

Dylan Brown

Why can’t this be uploaded to YouTube? I like to use Aiplay to watch it on my TV. Can’t do shit with Patreorn.


It's okay to criticize someone you like dude. You don't have to simp.

Chris Walker

Most of this Gauntlet wasn't great. The trolling wasn't really funny at all and I felt bad for TJ. But Paul made it worth it when he was replaced by Jacque Le Cock. He has potential

Luka Hays

Maybe it's some copyright shit? I dunno. But yeah, it's annoying that it's stuck on patreon.

Jackson Hipp

Paul is a better TJ than TJ

They Call Me Gnome

It’s because people would take the YouTube link, and put them places for people who aren’t paying to watch the live show. They can’t do it on patreon, so they keep them on patreon now. It’s the fans fault for it

U wot m8

This truly was a Vamp gauntlet


Spoiler: Paul doesn't actually exist. This whole time he was a character done by Jacques le French.


It's annoying as fuck to not be able to download this. Get your shit together and get this back on YouTube. Patrons will still pay even if it's available elsewhere for free. Cheapskates will still cheapskate regardless. Also, the constant derailing is super frustrating. I don't speak for everyone, but personally I'm here to watch yall comment on shit, not listen to Paul or Scotty ramble endlessly.


Can anyone, maybe Paul himself, tell me the name of that french accordion music? I've tried to find it myself but I cannot.


It doesn't make a big difference to me but I wouldn't object to it being on YouTube. Personally, I will keep paying them even if I get the episodes for free. Only the best for the best podcast.

Jackson Hipp

Paul carried this one

Big Ordeal

People complaining about this gauntlet are awful. The guys can be just as entertaining, if not more so, without killing themselves. I honestly preferred the mood not being absolutely miserable this time.

They Call Me Gnome

No, they must follow a specific set of requests from the fans. Requests that of they all followed to a T would be an absolute disaster since they don’t realize everyone’s constantly recommending bad shit, or shit that goes directly against what others have suggested mind you, but they still need to follow it!


Why even bother naming this the "Roseanne, Tate, Schneider Gauntlet?" You barely watched any videos. It was more of a really long bantersode.


This was my favorite gauntlet so far.


Paul got real insecure about that age gap convo


O lock room ll

Blake Meads

This is the most entitled pissbaby shit I’ve ever read in this community. Take a chill pill, homie.

Save That Bear

Edgelords don't deserve any form of wellness nor community. It's only fair, and balanced.


I feel ripped off 5 hours of unfunny bullshit from scotty and Paul and maybe one hour of tj being funny making fun of vids, Paul and Scott are becoming dead weight

Devourlord Asmodeus

But now you guys should play Fuck, Marry, Kill with these 3

Dryden Bowley

Did he steal, "I blinked and I cured my brain," from 2011 Charlie Sheen?


I absolutely love Love Paul's impressions. They tickle me pink. Thanks for the laughs.

Michael Sewell

Sorry i know this is late, But i fucking loved this ep. You guys actually killed me and i am officially dead.


Virtually unwatcheable again because of the damn Patreon video player :(


And now I want a baconator