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Onion Nuggetz 11/7/23

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I was screaming Bryan Cranston Ganondorf.....but i think i got a perfect choice: Jon Bernthal! physical, badass, but Heisenberg or The Punisher


oh fyi the scottish guy, Brian Cox was in this movie called "Red" that i think everyone would love. Esp Paul


Scotty and the Plump Anus Gang

Russian Jackal

Putin has been sitting around since 2000, and is generally not liked by the Russian population. His supporters are of the same breed as maga-chuds - aging narrow-minded boomers who are afraid of rainbows and can barely work a tv remote. The young people of Ukraine on the other hand are EXTREMELY brain-washed by propaganda. At the beginning of the war, quite a few of them actually believed that their soldiers would march up on the Kremlin and burn it to the ground. The west happily used this, with Ukraine playing the role of the black guys from South Park’s “operation human shield”. And unless Zelensky seeks asylum after the inevitable peace talks and concessions, he is very likely to cosplay Scar from the last 5 minutes of the lion king. His underlings are gonna’ be piiiiiiiiiiiissed…………


If the peace deal is just temporary and doesn't prevent future conflict, then that's no different to saying to palestinians for example "ceasefire now, give them some more land, we can't ensure lasting peace, but we asked them pretty please not to level your cities again" this is a lesser of 2 evils kick the can down the road bandaid on the problem. This is just a different ratchet effect. I'm anti war, to prevent future conflict, not just "let's stop the fighting temporarily so I can look good." We were all told "he just wants the Donbas" I don't see any of you admitting, "well I was wrong about that, he actually wants more." I've been called pro war, and an American imperialist simp just because I don't believe giving up land to reward the invasion. It is a reward, and if/when this continues, do what I will do if there is lasting peace and admit "I was wrong."


why scotty's audio so loud


good job


Palestine should lay down their arms and accept their righteous overlords of Israel, in the name of peace. Look how many civilians have been lost because of their pathetic resistance. PEACE BRAH


Florida and Florida man gauntlet would be hilarious.


I know I’m late to this but Paul, the reason why you couldn’t have a peace deal in Ukraine immediately is because that’s just appeasement and encourages future action. Now, even though a peace deal is happening later Russia knows it can’t get what it wants without taking serious damage to both personnel and economy. It’s like if there’s a big bully on the playground. If you just give him your lunch money when he asks he’ll take it every day. If you fight back, even if you get your ass kicked, he now knows that he’s gonna take some bruising in the process. Now he’ll think twice. Same principle.

Benjamin Whyley

Paul’s “I’m smarter than everyone on the left” mental gymnastics is that because we didn’t predict the future that an ethnic cleansing would happen, that somehow we have egg on our faces for supporting a vote for the lesser evil in principle. You come across as really spiteful and bitter. Most peoples heart is in the right place. Sorry we aren’t all perfect beings of pure logic like you. It’s really easy to convince yourself you’re smarter than you actually are when you do nothing but argue with strawmen.

Douglas Effdeman

Well maybe work on that my dude. It's okay to be wrong, but persisting once you realize that is another story. Just about anyone could have predicted an ethnic cleansing if they'd paid attention to what's been going on in the not too distant past and leading up to the present. Pretty much every major bad thing we're facing has been on the horizon for a while, and there have been people saying so the whole time.
