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Justin Humphries

You guys need to incorporate Evil Bong in the next tournament probably not as a contender but maybe an ally or weapon.

Gage Lamb

Man, this show is becoming unwatchable for people with misophonia. Since when did chewing loudly and wetly directly into the microphone become acceptable on-air decorum? Eat off camera, turn off your mic when you eat, chew with your mouth closed or please do literally ANYTHING except speaking with your fat cheeks stuffed with food and making sloppy mouth sounds every five fucking seconds

Edvard Lundgren

Christs sakes, chill. You are watching a show with 3 fat stoners. No kidding are they going to eat on 4 hour shows, do you think TJ goes 4 hours without food any day of the week?

Josh Jerome

I mean, none if we're talking _waking_ hours; but I imagine that, much like the majestic sloth, he gets a healthy 15 hours of sleep daily. Though to be fair, there's every possibility that a nocturnal feeding tube and pureed Baconators are involved.