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Exorcisms, people having sex with ghosts and aliens, cryptids caught on tape, UFO hearings, and more!




I love the artwork in this thumbnail.


Really wish this video was on youtube and.not patron player...




Did Tj threaten to kill Greg Abbot in this one too ?


This was funniest gauntlet in a while. You guys earned it.

Poop Poop

PooOooop💩 👻

Kyle Corvus

Of course the so called TOS violations were triggered by some bullshit paranormal show owned by a huge corp. I’m sure that tooootally doesn’t fall under the fair use category under the law. Jesus Christ YouTube is stupid.


Oh come the fuck on... I fucking hate YouTube and now I'm forced to watch it here where if I leave and come back I have to search where I left off. Patreon video sucks.


cry more you little bitch. its not hard to remember a time and then find it again. you'll survive


😭😭😭 sometimes it's not intentional and I have no clue where I was. 😭😭😭

Jonah Griedel

Paul talking shit on Ben 10 genuinely made my heart warm.

tyler Lambert

Thanks for getting this on Patreon so quick. I was looking forward to it all night since I missed the live show, and was bummed when I saw YouTube took it down. You guys are the best!


that thumbnail artwork is great, who made that?


Solid gauntlet chaps

Stoned Caterpillar

Fucking blocked by NBC, I was gonna make a day out of it goddamn it.


The basement interview was taken out of context by Mr. Rogers there. The point is that, when faced by something inexplicable, humans start grasping for answers. And some things don't have answers, which is horrifying. Public and private sector alike are run by humans. And humans have both good and bad ideas. On more than one occasion, interviewees have stated that the biggest adversary to the 'ufo question' is the government itself. Over-compartmentalization and mismanagement for personal gains and political jockeying...have overpowered scientific inquiry. If you see something you can't explain, they say 'demons' or 'extraterrestrials'. Because it makes them able to sleep at night. Recovering craft or organic materials from 'somewhere' that is 'unidentifiable' is life-ending otherwise. You'll go mad without the self-hypnotism religiosity grants.


Fuck youtube

Torkel Svenson Hagström

Hi, I'm Michael Knowles, and I just want to say that trans ideology goes against science and reality, anyway now let's talk about demons. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

Trevor Lahey

Homie says nomsayin more than even J Roc. Not that I'm taking a nomecensus or anything...

Atticus Omundson

I can't believe TJ shit his britches live again!

Donovan Lewis

Please Patreon just make a half way decent player. Jesus you got to be rolling in dough with how little you pay on this site versus how many creators your skimming the top off of.


So glad these can be on here now

U wot m8

Can't catch a break with these streams lately huh?


Got a baconator after listening to this at work for the first time in a decade. They were understaffed AF and the cashier was very obviously new. I honestly felt bad being a customer. So, the burger was overgreasy/undermeaty, but the fries were fresh and crispy, oddly enough.

I raped Jesus in his tomb

Scotty died 4 or 5 years ago or whatever and has been a ghost all this time, ya know what I'm sayin'?


I fucking died when yoko ono started singing

Gary Czernick

I find it hard to believe the ghost of a semi intelligent animal like humans would be as easily categorized and abide by silly rules like being repelled by garlic.

Noé Guzman Jr

You know if this episode going to be on patron only then show the hole.


NIce seems like patreon video player has issues with the M1/M2 Macs its just stuck 4 hours in and wont continue. Could you put a download link up?


Please let them know about your issue so they can troubleshoot with you or at the least try to fix the issue when they update it. We haven't discussed putting out a download of Gauntlets but might consider it in the future.


Managed to find a way around it and I wish I didn't cause the light language stuff has killed me off. Thanks.

Teddy Spaghetti

Ghosts like old things and they only come out at night.

Apoplectic Spock

There are semi-feral humans all throughout the Apalachias. The White's are a great example of modern feralism. And all these douchebag narrators do is annoy the shit out of us and expose their many speech impediments.

Justin Davis

2:44:05 Paul canceled

Apoplectic Spock

1:16:00 This is Luis Elizondo, literally one of the most credible people speaking on UAP, after having been afforded government access to classified materials during his tenure at the Pentagon. He's simply sharing what religious people he knows hypothesize with regard to UAP and NHI. Not his personal position.


“Ya know what I’m sayin” guy was my personal favorite.


To me Armored Skeptic is hardcore trolling. He is using arguments like "if there isn't any evidence for ghosts it can't be dismissed," when he has used ackams razor more than any other falacy to debate christians. Look at his face when he subtitled Beelzebub he is 10000% faking it. Not a fan of him btw I just watched all the old great debate content creators for the most part and this comes off as WAY fake to me.

Cloud Massacre

3:49:47 There’s a ghost in my ass

Torkel Svenson Hagström

So thus episode will go down in history for Paul saying the N-word and TJ shitting his britches a third time, you know what I'm saying

Alexander K. Mosnes

3:07:20 We've seen this guy before! That's the guy that had like Buddha, Jesus and all the religions propped up behind him on a shelf or whatever and talked about some BS.


Can't play in background on mobile. :(

Captain Tunnel

Britch Shit 2: A Patina Of Shit. As usual, this is the best use of my money

Eric Sapp

No YouTube?

Ignar Husky

Nahhh he's fucking lost it since he broke up with ShoeonHead.. No way he is trolling. He'll downplay his general believe in it, but he goddamn believes a decent chunk of what he's pushing. It's what a Mental Break can do to a motherfucker

William Trowbridge

I want to do a mock exorcism in public. I just throw the possessed through a bar window out onto the street. I put my knee into their chest and start chanting some Constantine shit while the demon screams in agony. And just as it builds to a climax as the demon is just about to be expelled and with a crowd of people watching with jaws agape I nonchalantly stand up and dust myself off and help the other guy to his feet and we both walk in seperate directions like nothing happened.


baconator gauntlet

Justin Rogers

I find Nuke's Top 5 to be mildly entertaining. I'm not sure if I believe in this stuff, if it were true, it would make this boring world more interested.


Gonna start sleeping on my back...For science


This was the first gauntlet I had to skip out on. These videos were just way too long and boring. You should have played more short, to-the-point videos like this where this guy explains how he was raped by a female bigfoot.

Ryan Z

When you guys go out to Vegas, You should go to Zak Bagans haunted museum and then review it in a video. Should be funny.


Incel gauntlet?


Imma be honest... I love ghost adventures, always had and probably always will

Richard Armstrong

Would y'all stop intentionally doing crap to get your videos copyright struck we do not need the stupid x files theme in the damn gauntlet. I understand it's stupid but I enjoy being able to watch the stream on YouTube and cast it to my TV. I can't do that with this garbage platform. All because you wanted to play a stupid theme song that isn't even funny.


I'm surprised TJ and Paul didn't use their win to get Scotty to Doordash them the baconator


out of all the gauntlets, this was the most boring and pointless...shouldnt have been done


Get a better phone and/or tv so you can cast your phone screen onto your tv you peasant.


Scotty promised them the McDonald's orders they came up with, not Wendy's Baconators.


Y'all just don't BELIEVE! You gotta BELIEVE! Say it with me now! Hasha mana coo qa pa ta ma sha blah.


Every time I get ready to watch the gauntlet I keep thinking I'm going to be able to post it to my television like on YouTube but I can't still because I don't have a Chromecast it's compatible with my television. I guess I'm going to have to record the videos and watch them that way on my TV.


If y'all ever want to do another paranormal gauntlet down the line with videos that might just make you go wow!!! or even creep you three out, look up BizarreBud on YouTube. Check out his playlist, the videos that people send him have made me question if there is real shit out there. I wish I could have suggested this channel to y'all sooner.


Awesome show. This is the funniest show on the internet by far. Offensive, but not thinly veiled right wing insanity, just fucking funny. Keep it up boys!

Bård Lilleøien

After these 6 hours, all I want is a baconator! Sadly, we don't have those at all over in Europe, but if I ever go to the US, I know what to get. You should get Wendy's to sponsor you because now I want to fucking go there.

Psychedelic Fox

are the videos not on youtube now? i know there's an audio version of this but i keep the video version going while at work so i can look at it occasionally when u get the chance but this video player sucks. fun gauntlet tho.


The way Scotty raises his eyebrow when Paul says Gamer is the funniest thing in this show's existence


When do they talk about the UFO hearings tho, what timestamp?


It's like 30 min before the show is over and they don't talk about it much.


Ah, I thought I was just anything from doordash whenever they wanted it on the show

Christycle on a Bicycle

I never knew djin were shaped like a shadow of the top of a side profile hand

Christycle on a Bicycle

Also I'm not sure how you missed that huge one behind Mustafa mimicking his movements

jacob g

Closest Wendy's to me is like 1 hr and 30 minutes away 😢


Bro I got too high and missed it lol


Guys I don’t know what you’re using to embed the video here but it’s soooo much better than YouTube 😅

Ryan Z

You can also cast it to a TV with a laptop or computer.

Ramona E Drew

im way late to the party, but if you order a baconator, you should ask for some blue cheese crumbles too. add to the baconator. your welcome

Mahy J

Enjoyed this gauntlet, the time went by so quickly. Though you did skip through a lot of the videos pretty quickly I still had a good time. Thanks.


2:42:30 totally true story lol.

Keef Castles

Can't you also cast it if you have the patron app on your Xbox I'm pretty sure that's what I do, * oh no my bad, I just go t patreon on my browser on Xbox lol

Joey Koval

Had to stop watching this while at work too stop myself from laughing out loud too hard!

Brad The Patreorn

Best gauntlet so far. I enjoy it when you guys tear apart asinine shit like Christianity or anything else. Unfortunately the conservative poster boys just cause pain instead of making fun of them

Wanderlust Gamer

Damn. I was hoping this was on YouTube so I could download it and listen to it while traveling.

Johnathan Clancy

I require a bacon attorney supercut as the dff crew realizes just how insane a revelation they've experienced. The Wendy's frycooks must all be cryptids, it's the only explanation.

Bulk Bogan

Yo the main reason I get this is to download them on YouTube because of data issues.. But I guess not.. Unfortunately I'm very busy unlike most of this community..


I for 1 appreciate Paul's Goo Girl fetish.


This embedding is so much better. Seems to stop that dumbass with the gay playlist on YouTube who pirates your stuff too. Please use this on all content.


I love to listen to this stuff at work, and can't really do it with a government contracting job and shit internet infrastructure. Love the content nonetheless, but it's hard to find 6 hours of downtime to listen while I'm not being a wage slave.

Andrew Van Dyke

You can blame Nexpo for all the attempts at a creepy sounding narration

Hayden Johnson

The double decker burial mound combo had me rollin


That's not Light Language. That's Rodian. They are speaking Rodian from Star Wars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62dyq0d5JtE I swear I can't tell which is worse, a conservative Christian woman or a New Ager Pagan woman. Both are the same level of psychotic.

Eric The Red

Is there still a unlisted YouTube upload of this? I can’t get it to play in the background while working.


I've had to reload it sooo many times and try to find where it left off because Patreon refreshes periodically and it doesnt save where you were last. Super annoying.

Marc McGlasson

I wonder how they decided who would kayfabe each video? Because they kept switching. I'm thinking an online rock paper scissors site

Ian Mercurio



Sucks, but there are solutions for downloading these from your browser. Do some googleing and stuff. Also, I hope you find more drooges for your muesckles

Bulk Bogan

Thanks I'll figure it out.. Wish the app would download it.. "I'm getting stronker from the drug.."

David De Grandpré

Is the video available on YouTube? The Patreon player sucks


TJ did mommy ever teach you that speaking with your mouth full is rude?


More jumpy ass Patreon video? :(

Devourlord Asmodeus

You guys should do a gauntlet entirely about paranormal sex


Hey, me too! I spend days listening to one episode. Where you contracting at?