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The Planet is Dying, Reacting to Chuds, Fast Food Freakouts, Bizarre Victorian Dishes, and More!



Onion Nuggetz 7/11/23

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Kael p

Paul is fat

Poop Poop

P◯O🧅🧅◯OP 💩

Alex Mac Donald

To that first chat comment asking about how to get over an ex. . . . . . . . . . Step 1: Go buy a gun; Step 2: Buy Bullets; Step 3: Make sure your family isn't home.. . . . . .🤣

Teddy Spaghetti

That's not Pennywise. That's Nickelsmart.

U wot m8

Maybe the Battle Tards can compete in certain objectives where killing your opponent is allowed as a secondary win option. Like "who can carry an egg on a spoon across the finish line" but if one of them is killed by the other, the other guy wins.

Benjamin Whyley

Binge eating is the most common eating disorder

Benjamin Whyley

I wish we had more superhero movies that focused on the hero’s being actually heroic. I liked Wonder Woman for that reason. It wasn’t the big battles that were good about it. It was her unwavering desire to help people and do good. Her unbreakable moral compass. That’s why I didn’t like man of steel because it stole superman’s soul. Hollywood doesn’t understand these characters. They’re people who have all this power and rather than abuse it they use it to help those less fortunate than themselves. Not for wealth or fame or ego, but because they want to.

Benjamin Whyley

I love that scene where Wonder Woman tries ice cream for the first time and sincerely thanks the person who sold it her and the smile on their face afterwards. Little humanising moments like that are missing from so many superhero movies.

Benjamin Whyley

The world is a cynical place and superhero’s are supposed to be a break from that. They are supposed to personify very positive trait of humanity. Courage, compassion, empathy, kindness, self sacrifice etc.

Preston Monte West

Both parties are on the same team. I don't see how not voting would fix anything either. I don't really care if someone decides to vote or not. It's inconsequential.

Benjamin Whyley

Voting in local elections is more important than voting for the presidency. Though if we are intellectually honest with ourselves if Hillary had won in 2016 you wouldn’t have 3 borderline nazi judges stripping you of your human rights for decades to come. Whoops.


Did not expect my post on the subreddit to be mentioned! For the record I don't know the hosts. Just a long time fan, came from a very conservative house from a very conservative part of the country and have been incredibly grateful to have happened upon TJ and Paul in the mid 2000s as a teenager with very few people who shared a similar mindset. I think I would've gone crazy without relatable content creators. Love the show, am excited for what's to come!

Benjamin Whyley

I honestly don’t understand how you can think voting doesn’t matter when you have a fascist majority Supreme Court because of the last 2 Republican presidents. You’re losing your rights one by one and you can’t help yourselves but be a “muh both sides.” I guess just fuck minorities then. If it doesn’t directly affect you and your life it doesn’t matter.

Benjamin Whyley

Oh let me guess, smug condescending dismissive reply? Gonna whinge about young people? Going to accuse people of being fake leftists because they don’t agree with you on 100% of issues? I’ll get my bingo card.


Voting doesn't matter because they'll never let you vote for anyone but a puppet.


People complaining about the formats are massive fucking dorks. Keep doing what you're doing boys. It's great. If it starts to suck I'll unsub instead of whining my balls off on reddit.

Breonna Rice

I just ate so much food that I'm out of breath. Ugh.. It was tasty though. Crispy fried chicken tenders with sweet and spicy sauce, seasoned fries....

Skeptical Jesus

TJ: "I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to be done (RDR2), or at least be done with the story" Remember when I said RDR2 story is bloated and meandering and that TJ would get bored of it before it ended? And Paul told me that's crazy and I must be smoking crack? Who is the crack smoker now Pual? :p