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Howdy patrons! His saltiness here. I’m feeling better since the last show, but unfortunately TJ has caught whatever bug is going around. In the interest of having a robust meal with all three of us present, we’re pushing tonight’s Onion Nuggetz to tomorrow at the regular time.

May weed donkey and Senõr Tomat bless thee until then. In the meantime, let us know if there’s anything special you’d like covered.

Yours in eternal corpulence,

- P


Duke A. Déserix

Best wait till your all back at 100%


A very short interim of the Alzheimer's gauntlet. Its very deserved after all three hosts forgot about the tucker gauntlet.


Hope you all get to feeling better!

Megan Gray

I feel your guy’s pain I just got over a bought of meningitis. Get well!


No worries. Get better soon TJ. Paul, glad you’re doing better man. 🤘

Austin Snyder

Works for me because I was late.



U wot m8

Paul's clone malfunctioned. They need some time to fix it up again.

Kael p

Scammed again


Too bad the original Paul has died. The clones just cutting it for me.


Where the Paulsego gauntlet?

Dick McPenis

Why not Weed Capybara? They’re famous for being friendly


Feel better, Paulisticles