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Yo patron's I will be streaming You're Wrong tomorrow night at 9:30 PM CST/10:30 EST. Feel free to leaves suggestions of shit you want me to cover on the show. 

Fun bonus fact: TJ is fat. 




I love a good Scotty fun fact


Cover an old tj video and debate all the reasons it’s wrong!


The 2012 apocalypse/movie Mayan Callender bullshit


This is a timeline of a wrongful arrest and imprisonment that happened when I was a kid in 1987. I remember hearing about it as it was a big deal in my area at the time, but I was too young to really understand what was going on. Anyway, it involves 2 rapes, the earlier mentioned wrongful arrest and imprisonment, incompetent police, falsified evidence, and a crooked forensic lab tech during the early days of DNA testing. I don't know if you would be interested in this, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to suggest it. The section about the incompetent ways police failed to catch killers on the last Onion Nuggetz jogged my memory about this story which made me want to go back and look into it now that I'm older and should have a better understanding of what actually happened. Edit: For some reason the link provided wants to make me pay for the newspaper website in order to see the timeline, but if I Google "Huntington Mall Rapist" it's the 2nd link and there is no pay wall. No clue why. https://www.herald-dispatch.com/news/recent_news/mall-rape-timeline/article_03b8e272-5bc8-5edf-957f-83db0c5df485.html

Bulk Bogan

Shit britches was a psyop?

Subtractive Email

talk about the artificial intelligence singularity and what you think automation will change going forwards. I personally see these changes coming to everyday life: 1. No more fastfood workers, all will be walk-up and drivethrough and that food can be made and packaged robotically. 2. No more, or very limited programming jobs. For every 20 programmers, they can be replaced by one "AI Whisperer" that's good at prompting something like ChatGPT. 3. No more human driven taxi's or food delivery - all can be automated with self driving and delivery bots.


Can we get the official scoopy position on the three kingdoms period of China: Shu Han, Cao Wei, or Sun Wu?

Adam Schneider

Movies yall love that everyone else hates and vice versa


Talk about why the Saints suck and the why no-PI call in the 2018 NFC Championship Game was correct. (I’m definitely not a salty Vikings fan that can’t get over the 2009 NFCCG)


This is more serious. If Trump loses to DeSantis in the primary, will Trump run third party or not run at all (legal shit).


TN representatives being expelled? Justin Jones and Justin Pearson.


Would you guys ever consider doing gauntlets or your old content or content creators you guys like (ex. Kyle Kulinski)