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We will be doing our 6-hour conspiracy theory gauntlet livestream tomorrow @ 8 pm ET exclusively for you patrons! Give us your suggestions on what videos we should cover. They can be big conspiracies, little conspiracies, and everything in between. Ideally keep videos 15 minutes or less or provide timestamps for longer ones. Please add a link and description in the comments. Thank you for your support, we couldn't do what we do without you. 



This one is dumb but fun to think about. Maybe a good hors d'œuvre https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/09/flat-earth-truthers/499322/


I'd really like to see some black Israelites those people are more fucking insane the more you learn about them. They literally think they are gods and without them white people would be wild animals that can't speak


Gotta cover some of the DP conspiracy theorists, especially ones the manatee propagated.

Alan Noble

https://youtu.be/AFqOJO1Gn34 Back to the Future predicts 9/11. Its in the genre of "movies predicting real life events" where they look at a clock and it shows 1:16 pm and they turn it upside down to show 911! These are pretty funny IMO, can get a good laugh out of them.


You guys mentioned tolkienism during the onion nuggetz teir list. And it reminded me of this classic. The video is a bit long but the point of it is clear rather quick. https://m.youtube.com/live/yugeZfv1cgs?f

Noah Abrams-Smith

JFK Assassination, the CIA/MK Ultra ones, and 9-11are all a must. I'm curious about the Denver Airport because I don't know much about it. And I promise there's more to the Castro/Trudeau thing, it's not just right wing slander. His parents (mom especially) were VERY close with Castro, and there's video of them together and more. Really looking forward to this one, guys!


I guess if we’re mentioning the JFK assassination, it could also be interesting to investigate how some theorise that Marilyn Monroe’s death was also planned by the CIA due to her connections with the Kennedy brothers.

Skeptical Jesus

*UPDATE*: I added a time stamp to make the video shorter, but the subject is very esoteric so probably worth covering Not sure if you're aware, but Armored Skeptic lost his mind after Shoe left and is now a conspiracy nutjob. If you're willing to invest a few extra minutes I think its worth covering his "Mud Flood/Free Energy Towers" conspiracy video here: https://youtu.be/h2jj879Snis?t=484 You don't have to watch the whole thing, you'll get plenty from where my timestamp starts

Max Prescott

The non linear warfare conspiracy. Crazy shit, basically the reasoning behind the use of culture war shit in the media, all comes from this dude who worked for putin. https://youtu.be/3UstNBrmJFc

Zebedee Totty

Please cover the Numbers Stations, coded audio of mysterious origin and purpose over the radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3RGBN8b19Y&t=488s Also Nahanni National Park aka Headless valley, over a span of 60-70 years starting in 1908 to around the mid 60's over 40 people went missing under mysterious circumstances and many were later found decapitated, the valley is supposedly haunted the the local Indian tribes have known not to go there for a long time

Psychedelic Fox

the hologram ufo theory. you may not find anything on this but basically alien ufos are able to move freely through space at unimaginable speeds because they are a projection and we are in a simulation. the aliens use a machine to project the illusion of a ufo into the sky just to toy with us like we're cats. there's a little add-on to the illuminati conspiracy where the elites have a supercomputer and links all over the world to where they can produce and control major events. they program a whole timeline and watch it in action. everything from 9/11 to trumo becoming president all planned by the elites on a computer which alerts special agents worldwide to set events in motion.



Todd Newton

A summary of The Philadelphia Experiment. I am curious to see you guys discuss this one especially seeing that Paul never heard of this one- https://youtu.be/RDel4hC6gsQ


Maybe, at least briefly, review the conspiracy theory of cultural Marxism, about how the Frankfurt School created an intentional subversion of western society that still propagates today and is believed by many right wing politicians.


Nashville shooting


voting begin fake


The Montauk Project aka the inspiration for Stranger Things

Duckling Duckins

You already said you were gonna cover the Las Vegas shooting and Epstein and i think those are the biggest hitters the last years, there are alot of conspiracy podcasts so it would be hard for you to find a new spin on stuff that is widely known from shit like Joe Rogan. Also im entering Joe Rogan in the mix, like is he even a human? is he already AI, i know TJ already met him, but maybe TJ met the AI Rogan and signed an NDA not to tell the world Joe is actually an AI.

Joseph Land

The Franklin Coverup. This one is a little obscure. A republican senator named John DeCamp wrote and expose about group of satanic pedofiles that operated out of Washington DC with the alleged perpetrators including George H W Bush. The book was contains some of the most graphic details of abuse that’s probably ever been written down including chopping kids up in blenders and drinking it and a snuff film that was filmed by Hunter S Thompson at the Bohemian Grove. I’m sure this video does cover it but if you cover this and I’m listening live I can hunt down the excerpts from the book but I remember as being one of the most graphic things I ever read First 7 minutes of the video https://youtu.be/IBGOQTPtiIE


I know this is way too long but watch the first 10 minutes at least this is spirit science’s most popular video https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw

Russian Jackal

The theory that Shakespeare may have never existed, but was a compilation of several writers, as it is unlikely that one single person could crank out that much content so quickly. Michael Jackson may have been slipped hormone/puberty blockers to preserve his boyish voice/charm a’la Lisa Simpson, resulting in a possibly rapey, and certainly strange and in many ways off-putting adult performer that we knew him as.


Here is a conspiracy about a shark attack in Egypt from 2011 where some people said Israel intentionally put the shark in the water to attack people https://youtu.be/h4bbZsm3-Vo


I visited Shakespeare's burial place last week. He definitely existed and was a rich businessman. Whether he wrote the plays is another question.


Old popular youtube content gauntlet. 6 hours of Fred and The annoying orange