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Blackstone Swallowing Up Housing, Strikes in Israel and Germany, Conspiracy Memes, Crazy and Cringe, PragerU Kids on Masculinity and Femininity



Blackstone? Or blackrock?

Douglas Effdeman

I wish these could be posted on mainstream social media. The monopolization of decent human habitation is one of the great evils of the current age, and more people deserve to know about it than do.


I think i will skip the death simulation exhibit. I'd rather that when i die i get tricked into thinking I'm going to heaven. Would suck to be ascending the steps to paradise and then realize "oh fuck i know what this is I'm about to blink out of existence nooooooooooooo-"


The jets not being shot down on 9/11 is actually not that strange. Earlier in american history it was a meme to hijack planes and fly them to cuba and nobody had ever done a 9/11 style attack before so the default assumption at the time would have been that this was probably a hostage situation.


Some Kias are easy to steal TJ, but also you can get a manual kia soul. That’s what I have, multiple Kias have been stolen from my work parking lot, no one’s touched my 6 speed manual.

Dick McPenis

Thanks for helping me add to the list of reasons to move out of the country for good. Y'all always provide me good entertaintment!

Dick McPenis

Ding dong ditch? Nah, we got ding dong DEATH