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Disappointing MAGA Showing, Nuclear Disaster, NEET Rant, TikTok Cringe, Flat Earth vs. Hollow Earth



Onion Nuggetz - 3/21/23

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"how did will smith knock out the alien?" Man that was fucking funny. I lauged for a half hour straight.

Garrett Bay

Scotty you know you’re Donny don’t kid yourself

Benjamin Whyley

I wish you’d actually do some research on nuclear power instead of having a knee jerk reactionary fearful response. The amount of pollution from nuclear power is a drop in the ocean compared o oil and coal. That’s a fact. You’re just doing what conservatives do when something new comes along that they don’t understand.


I wish they'd consider talking to someone like Thunderf00t on nuclear or any person educated on the topic that can address their fears and concerns about the technology. I think it would be an interesting conversation, even if they don't change their minds.

Benjamin Whyley

No no bro we are “pretending to be nuclear physicists” because we aren’t immediately terrified of the spooky language and actually bother to read about it and have some intellectual curiosity.

Garrett Bay

Paul you’re such a c word like I have no empathy for you anymore the guy who had a million and one excuses for being a fat ass and depressed can’t understand why a lot of 20 year olds would still be living with their parents. Unbelievable.


I don't Defend neets or people living with there parents and being supported by others if there able bodied, but I think Paul, you've forgotten how grueling the job market is, and even more so now, I've done jobs that would make tough people cry, and yes there still "do-able" but you guys being in-compassionate about it from your comfy internet job is kind of bullshit, and don't act like your job is as hard as like construction or shelf stocking cause it ain't, we (blue collar workers) would all love to be internet personalities, but that's not practical. Still love the show.


TJ said that cop looked like a baby bird right as I was thinking it! AI TJ


So start your own comfy internet job. What's stopping you from trying?

Adam Schneider



What do you guys think of ppl staying w their parents but make good money and live w them as roommates. My friend does this and I kinda think its nuts but also kinda understand


I couldn't ever mooch off my mom even if I wanted 2 ever.

Garrett Bay

It’s one of those jobs that’s hard to get, but once you do it’s pretty much smooth sailing from there, and the circumstances of you getting internet fame does come down to hard work sure, but its also a lot of luck, and piggybacking off other’s hard work


I mean I do. My parents encourage me to stay home and save until I can outright buy/mostly pay for a home. They care about my financial security+socializing with me. Works for us both. Also idk why Paul just thinks living with parents=not working and parents make decisions lol. My parents don't do any of that shit. I make all my decisions. They're hungup on Neets even though the vast majority of adults are not neets who live with their parents. Its...just a sound financial decision. Paul can act like his time was rough as well as a 20 year old or whatever but that just sounds like he made a shit decision for 6 years instead of going to college or saving money in the same period and having a easier ride. Congrats on the shit decision. Also nice joke saying TJ didn't leech off his parents. He was with his dad being a ranting NEET libertarian on youtube and basically didn't work in his dads company. He was the definition of one.


I mean sure but age matters and if you actually contribute. If you're 30 and live at home it's time to go.

Michael Sewell

I wont lie i could be so wrong. But i have lived in the UK for 30+ years now and i have NEVER seen or even heard anyone selling a fish head pie! Maybe Cornwall (our equivalent of rednecks )


The cringe TikTok compilation was the goal ever on an Onion Nuggetz. Hoping that never happens again. EDIT: Oh god the cringe weaboo compilation is just more of this.


…they never said anything about 20 year olds living with their parents. lol what even is this? They are shitting on full grown adults indefinently living with their parents with no plans to get any sort of job or go to school. Y’all are so sensitive when they aren’t even talking about you…so weird!


Ah yes, the old "my life sucked ass when I started out so yours should too". A total contradiction to everything else you claim to stand for DFF. Easy to shit on others when you fat fucks probably make around $100,000 a year each sitting behind computer screens in your house basements saying "you know" every two seconds with mouths full of cold pizza. The more comfortable and easy your lives become, the more you seem to disdain those who struggle and assume it's just because they don't try hard enough. How progressive, I mean elitist of you. Most people in the world can't afford to live a "happy life" no matter what they try. TJ, didn't your dad used to give you and Scotty $100 just to order pizza (cuz you were rich kids)? And Paul, didn't you buy a small apartment on Starbucks server money back in the day (cuz timing is fucking everything)? So yeah, you mofos have no idea what it's like for poorer/younger people especially nowadays. And no, I'm not a "NEAT" or anywhere near close to being one. I just can't stand people who make such sweeping generalizations and look down on others. Fuck off with that.


They presumed a trans person living with their parents was a neet, and then went off on a completely unrelated tangent and made broad generalizations about it because "young people bad" get off their fucking dicks when they are objectively wrong about shit they say.


Paul RENTED an Apartment, idiot. You'd have to be fucking stupid to think that they make $100,000 a year doing this. Stop whining and get out there...we know it's fucking hard and it sucks...but you have to make an effort.