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We talk about some conspiracy theories but just enough to whet your appetite for this month's gauntlet on March 31st!



Thanks I was having withdrawals


"Conspiracy theories died in the 90s because people weren't as stupid" is one of the most off-base things i've ever heard.


Current weather control methods(they do exist) are fairly rudimentary and harmful when used because the amount of rain doesn't actually increase you just move it around which causes drought somewhere else and the drought can be even worse in the places that are no longer getting rain especially if they are further inland.


And then he goes on to be the most conspiratorial of the group.

Russian Jackal

One that might be worth a few minutes during the gauntlet - an old timey’ conspiracy theory about the Titanic. The famous liner had an older sister ship, the “Olympic”, that dutifully served its purpose, and was eventually decommissioned and scrapped. When the Decaprio boat sank, some paranoid theorists of the 1910s believed that the ships were switched by “white star lines” at the docks for some financial scam, and the reason why the iceberg carved the liner open so easily was the shittier condition of the older vessel. Theory apparently had some merit, until the remains of the “Titanic” were discovered, and serial numbers could be compared and verified.


Could you guys do an episode on the Vietnam war?




You all should definitely cover the Lee Harvey Oswald/JFK theories


TJs reason for not believing the weather is being manipulated is they can’t control “plate tectonics”. 😂


I don’t believe it either but that’s a pretty non related reason lol.


I think he was referring to people who think the government can control earthquakes


Please mention Tartaria or Mud Flood somewhere in the gauntlet lol