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Bill Maher defines "wokeness" and defends Biden's age.


Russian Jackal

Ok, I’ll indulge good ol’ Paul…. My relationship with “Reign of Fire” is a pretty weird one. I saw the the film is a shitty theater for $5, and distinctly remember walking out before the 3rd act. The actual dragons were rarely shown well, the protagonists were unlikable, and the world was bland, covered in a constant haze, unpleasant to look at, and frankly - boring. I would much rather see the setting from the “time magazine” cover that depicted those Trogdors burninating skyscrapers. At the time my parents had that stupid “starz” network that spun relatively new movies on a constant loop, so I eventually did revisit “reign” and choked it down. My opinion of it improved from “fucking sucks” to a solid “meh…” . Cool concept, lousy execution. A much better movie about a mythical-beast-in-the-modern-world was the recent “Troll”. Considering that the default setting for monster was devouring christians and smashing churches and bells, I legitimately wanted to see it not get defeated, but rather imported to the states for a few weeks or so. And while I don’t really care about Shazam in any way, the upcoming sequel is supposed to have some building smashing dragon action. And yeah, also Lucy Liu in a short battle skirt.

ian Lane