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I am currently gathering stories for Abandon Hope. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post those fuckers below! 

Also, be sure to leave a brief description of what is in the link when you post it. You should know this rule by now. 

Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces later. 



Peterson talking to a trans person who supposedly de transitioned https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=doaHPFWEa7E

Subbedhunter The Rufous-crowned Sparrow

You should check out Ben/Abby Shapiro’s Mini-Me; Brett Cooper. The content coming out of her Daily Wire supported channel are abhorrent.


You should cover butts.

Another Agnostic

Matt Gaetz has been cleared by the FBI. Laws are for the peasants.

Michael Sims

Dementia politician moment https://www.businessinsider.com/feinstein-asked-staff-about-votes-she-cast-on-senate-floor-2023-2


When? 8 eastern?

Johnathan Smith

Trump wants to bring back the guillotine : https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-firing-squad-guillotine-ask-advisers-report-2023-2


Dianne feinstein staffers tweet out from her account she is not running for re-election and 60 minutes later she contradicts that because she does not remember it


Pantera was cancelled in Germany because Phil Anselmo heiling on stage years ago. Paul and TJ should audition for his replacement + TJ being hot stage dancer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4x_lcN-9TJ0

Andrew Rose Vickers

An Artist friend decided to counter protest a bunch of confederates meeting on MLK day. It takes place in Texas, also the confederates are meeting in front of a confederate monument at a Texas courthouse https://www.cbs19.tv/article/news/local/artist-experienced-racism-on-mlk-day-while-honoring-him-in-front-of-longview-courthouse/501-29a72304-82c2-4872-aaa9-010f36546491

Todd Newton

I missed Part 1 but here is a story about how Australia had a Christian-Based Terrorist attack- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-64658648

Josh Jerome

Might need to de-Frenchify the word a bit to market it to his base. Maybe "Choppy Boi"

Home of da BONE

https://youtu.be/QhnNIxQ4goY proof of how bad train chemical spill and burn was