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80s/90s commercial nostalgia


Russian Jackal

TJ, your mystery show about the “hairball and the clay blob” is “Mr. Bogus”. I have never seen this show in the states, and the only reason why I know about it is because they used to spin it at an equally obscure morning time (although closer to school hours) on Russian television in the early 90s (I goddam’-foreignered myself to the states in 96). I haven’t met a single American of my age who know about it, and the only other person of my age who knew it was someone from South Korea. On the plus side, upon re-watching a few episodes on YouTube, the first thing to stand out was an… ahem… “Pixar mom”. Anyhow, mystery solved.


My penis thanks you for the 90s nostalgia. Andre the Giant probably had a hog he could choke Hogan with and Mighty Max was awesome.