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Andrew Tate, Crowder vs. Daily Wire, Boomer Memes, Jump Ass, and More!



For context, the canadian conservative party periodically fractures and reforms under new leadership and platform when they do poorly enough(every 15-20 years) and the peoples party is basically an attempt to draw people from the conservative party towards american style politics, except we didn't have the same 40 year disappointment to prepare people for that and none of them have the charisma of a reagan.


I think part of the reason why comedy has gone in a different direction and why things like american pie don't translate as well in terms of enjoying watching someone be a jerk is because if you're under a certain age there's basically never been a time where you couldn't just go to reddit or youtube to inject the pure assholery into your veins. Its almost like you've offered someone a wonderful assortment of weed when they've already got crack, one of these things is great but its questionable if it will hit faster or harder than the pure real life crazy.


The white nazi section was hilarious. Its fun when Nazis see darker shade of white people and act shocked Lol, not everyone needs to be pale to be considerd white, every race has different tones 😁😆

Dick McPenis

Fellas.... Is it gay.... To go to therapy?