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Railroad Strike, "Scientific" Personality Quiz, Jordan Peterson Cringe, Delusional Incels



Oh, lord, I'm moving to Boone County next week!


The railroad strike hits home for me. I'm from a family that's worked in the railroad business for generations(myself included). My dad has worked for BNSF for 30 years, and the way he explained it to me, was that the CEOs think they are paid too much, so to get rid of employees they made everyone on call 24/7, and gave people impossible to meet schedules so people will willingly quit. In my dad's words, "That's a strikeable offense"


Paul isn’t my supreme ruler, but he’s a STUD. Listen to him give advice to incels.


Sexual misadventure is actually an extremely common reason for people going to the hospital. To quote a memoir written by a male nurse "don't be shy to tell me about the HPV you got in highschool, there's a guy in the next room with a bicycle shoved up his ass"


I think the only idea incels got semi-right is the idea of social media hypergamy but its mostly self diagnosis on their part i think. If you invert "social media causes people to seek out the chaddest chads" to "social media damages peoples perceptions and confidence in themselves" it tracks, we know that companies like facebook are willing to attack your mental health to make money and it has a tendency to damage peoples self confidence. They've misdiagnosed an actual problem.