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April 6, 2018



DP is on but i can't wait for some DFF!




Paul talked too much.


For some reason mine starts 19 minutes in and wont let me start it from the beginning


My Friday night has been decided


Trevor, it's a YouTube bug. Starts from the beginning after a bit.


Amazing atheist attacked my family


Maybe the solution is a secondary domestic military, rum completely by civilians, which exists for the sole purpose of checking the authority of the government.


I pay for shit like that Britain rant . . . it was epic.


I love the Marshal Mathers song at the end. Please always play that song at the end of every episode. It is like the treat at the bottom of the cereal box.

Graeme McKnight

Paul, shut the fuck up, you dumb yank fag.

Drew Hanak

It would be bad ass if you deep fat fried Mormonism or the Catholic Church


Scotty you are a complete imbecile


That last graph was skewed hardcore..


Scones are delicious with butter and jam


Contrarian Scotty at it again.


Hey TJ, does Scotty have a video of you viciously murdering a 3rd grader with a chainsaw, and then feeding it to a rabid starved wolverine...........? He's good sometimes but man, brutally bad here.


Ooh, can't wait for this one.

Rants n rambles

Can I watch this on YouTube? I’m on a phone so maybe that’s why it’s weird. Also how are you going to fight the military if civilian weapons are for kids.


Yea, dood. First, make sure you have the youtube app on your phone. Second, open this video in your web browser, and it should automatically open on your youtube app. It's worth noting I had to click the title of the video to get it to open on youtube. If I clicked anywhere else it would just go full screen. If you wanna stream it onto your tv, there's a small tv icon that you hit that will pull the video up on your selected device. Hope this helps :)


Commas are not used to indicate pauses. Commas are used to separate clauses, phrases, and words; they are specifically used to separate independent clauses from subordinate clauses (dependent clauses). I can understand why you would think that's what commas are used for (since really poor English teachers will wrongly tell students that commas indicate pauses), but that's because the students who are told that are usually too lazy or too dumb to know the difference between separating clauses and phrases correctly.


Unrelated to video, but just hope your aware an account on youtube is uploading DFF patron only vids: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSbRbwV20HsFoca4gOuwMw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSbRbwV20HsFoca4gOuwMw</a>


There comes a point where you need to draw the line. In the future the right to bare arms will be interpreted who can have the drone with the biggest weapons to follow them around for protection.

Derek Sansom

Love scotty but man the contrarian shit got old after a while

Ignar Husky

Thank fuck I wasn't the only one who thought this. I couldn't tell what he real position was. He just sounded like the embodiment of the retarded gun nuts who are ignorant on gun laws and regulations.


saw a couple of your videos pirated to youtube... hope you can complain and keep them in line.


FYI - this channel has 5 of the patreon episodes up as of now <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSbRbwV20HsFoca4gOuwMw/featured" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSbRbwV20HsFoca4gOuwMw/featured</a>


I've seen at least 2 channels with the patreon-only content, unfortunate


also, could only find the 10 drop dead handsome dreamboats stream on youtube too, haven't seen it on the patreon.


I have a theory on paul. The bloviating paul does every podcast is in fact imparting a outward pressure on the universe. So if there comes a time where paul actually stops speaking, the universe will collapse in on itself and we all die. So really, by talking too much, Paul is really our savior.


the three G&gt;s that build america guns gold and god


15:13 TJ is a reptillian confirmed


Hahaha love it how Scotty played devil’s advocate during the WHOLE FUCKING SHOW. Just awesome


Scoopy did 711

Noah Abrams-Smith

When I click the link, it says "video unavailable"

Nikolas Seamans

I've been a fan for over a decade but this is such a bad episode. "They always like to forget the part about a well regulated militia" How the fuck are you supposed to form militias to combat a standing army if you can't own guns? I'm a liberal and seeing other liberals spout such disingenuous nonsense about guns never ceases to piss me off.


Except you can own guns. Or you can contract people who do.

Michael Wagne

This whole gun issue is so tough. Today the issue is mass shooters and other gun violence, but the healthy distrust of government we should all have makes me worry for tomorrow. So I guess the best we can do is stricter gun laws/regulations. Idk.

Master Horny

Scotty would screw that bullet wound, he would totally do that hole.

Master Horny

That country song was terrible.


Let ppl have guns idc and they've been a part of my life. If guns haven't or won't ever effect you I don't see how anyone could care.


did a single person laugh at scottys bs?