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Let's watch Dollman. A hard-boiled intergalactic policeman lands on Earth, where he is thirteen inches tall. Released in 1991.


Krista Vaillancourt

It is extremely comical that you are calling Steve stev because of his dumb screen name (yeah, I said it Steve). Steve is cool, but Steve does not work on Saturdays, and what we have happening here is that Merch tier needs to work to remain Merch tier, so during midday we be slaving away in the capitalist hellscape. Today I changed around most of the clothing in my store with the help of my new assistant manager.

Krista Vaillancourt

I should also add. I love coming home from work with DFF to look forward to on a Saturday.


I normally am available at the time y'all did this one, but I got called in to do something for work yesterday. I appreciate the content though!