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If DFF ruled America, could they save it?


The Triumvirate of Pessimist Dictators = DFF #444

If DFF ruled America, could they save it?



The thumbnail just reminds me, that the blu-ray from the Las Vegas meet-up still hasn't been sent out. Scammers!


We have entered the final stages of proofing and production and then they will be sent out to Paul and then TJ and I to personalize each copy. After that, they will be shipped out to each customer. I know it has been a long wait but we wanted to give you guys the best possible product.


I respect General von Hohenlohe-Langenburg's sense of duty in this scenario.


Fentanyl in it self is not magically worse than heroin or whatever. It is the danger of not having standarised doses, getting it mixed with benzos. It can be used like any other opioid if the healthcare and economical protections are there for those who develop a problematic addiction. I got a ton of views on how to improve it current state of the care I recieve. The key is in what you said about giving people more options. I am at the mercy of 50 year old laws that bind my doctors hands behind his back. It is fucking infuriating. On that question I exalt and bow before my triumvirate of kaisars!

Brandon Wilburn

My mother had surgery just yesterday, and they gave her fentanyl.


It’s actually interesting what y’all had to say about education. My school has a program financed by our local college that actually starts training people for professions while they’re in high school. There’s dental and medical programs, and I know less about it but I believe there was a hospitality/ food service school too. The medical one was great minus the fact that I partially attended high school during Covid and that fucked up a lot of our curriculums , doing labs over zoom calls is pretty hard


There's a sucker born every second! Muahahahaha. *couggggggggh*

Violin Vertigo

Banana monkey scammed us all in the end once again. He tried to fake an Indian accent, but that was clearly banana monkey.

Nikolas Seamans

Okay I never comment but I gotta say what I really think lol. Fuck government, fuck republicans, fuck democrats, fuck being told what to do, fuck being told what you can or can't say, fuck not being able to buy and sell guns, fucking having to have a license for fucking anything, fuck taxes in general, fuck 'free' healthcare, fuck politics, the government is fucking bullshit including the hypothetical one in this video. No government in history has ever been 'good'. And the one we have is completely irreparable. We're better off burning it down and letting people form their own hierarchies. Abolishing government and non-consensual hierarchies would solve all the problems this absurd Triumvirate intends to solve with a whole box of ineffectual authoritarian Band-Aids.


Oh, I'm sure. Because anarcho-capitalism has worked so well in the past, for example in the Congo. Anarcho-Capitalism is as idealist as it gets. It sees all the flaws of liberal capitalism and decides the reason for the failures is because it isn't capitalist enough! A great conclusion, if the world you want to make is essentially feudalism without all the duties the lord had to his serfs.


If you actually want to do decommodification and create a socialist economy, it would serve you three well to read Marx. Specifically, Capital, Critique of the Gotha Program, and the Civil War in France. Anti-Duhring is also essential. The essential key to a socialist economy is resource allocation based on the productivity of labour, rather than under capitalism where resource allocation is often completed in opposition to the productivity of labour, leading to inflation and a concentration of wealth in the hands of the 1%. The way this is done is with the labour voucher. 1 hours of labour can be traded (minus a deduction for the common use) for 1 hours of labour. If you do an hours worth of labour, you can trade that for something that took an hour to produce. This only applies to direct production, not dead labour from designing the means of production. What this means is, as society becomes more productive, as an increasing amount of products are produced in a decreasing amount of time; naturally, without any direction from a bureaucrat, the trading power of the worker goes up in direct proportion to the development of the productive forces of society. This abolishes inflation and wealth accumulation in one stroke, as labour vouchers cannot be traded between people (they are destroyed upon use) and they expire, so you can't save them.