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Israel Protests at Colleges Pop Off, Biden Allies With Republicans Against Them, Awful Product Placements, Vaush Calls Paul Poison, Worst Music Festival Ever


Poop Poop

AuDiO 🔊🔊 Poooooop 💩


Why do you guys ban people who pay for your patron over little things like asking why you don't debate certain people?


Furry escapism goes both ways. Cover your ugly face. Cover your beautiful face so that you can interact with people without them constantly trying to fuck you.

Damien Beller

What the world needs now… is zebra dick


World war z was partially filmed in canada so it's probably a canadian vending machine. Clear-front vending machines are pretty standard for snacks and drinks here

Zoe Scherzer

Microbiologist here - what you’re talking about is pronounced “Mersa” and him contracting this isn’t a shock to me. It’s a bacteria that has become resistant to treatments due to the overuse of antibiotics.