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Gorgeous George, Chris Chan, Wings of Redemption, Brett Keane, Darksyde Phil



Goon with a tire iron

We need part two!!! Was really looking forward to seeing everyone’s reaction to the cyrax shit


Excited for the in depth look at the petri-dish from the bottom of the gene pool tonight gentlemen. Dr Paul is about to put on a clinic .


More tj terrible takes. less of whatever this was. Man, this place has fallen off a cliff. Bet the patron count has too, and will continue to do so. Gone are learning about interesting topics and now it's just dead air. Might aswell have you all three fart onto the mic simultaneously and it'll be the Same level of entertainment. But hey, call me crazy and then afterwards look at your subscriber count and why it's depleting and think that maybe I'm not so crazy in saying that yall have regressed. Peace.

Matthew Yoppini

Liking before I even watch because I know Paul always brings the heat

Kate Semel (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 19:47:43 Meh, I also miss the old form, but I love listening to these guys about basically anything. They’ve got good chemistry for a podcast. But I could be bias from watching TJ and his podcasts religiously (pun intended) for many, many years. Got me through some hard times. You’re entitled to your opinion though.
2024-05-01 05:08:16 Meh, I also miss the old form, but I love listening to these guys about basically anything. They’ve got good chemistry for a podcast. But I could be bias from watching TJ and his podcasts religiously (pun intended) for many, many years. Got me through some hard times. You’re entitled to your opinion though.

Meh, I also miss the old form, but I love listening to these guys about basically anything. They’ve got good chemistry for a podcast. But I could be bias from watching TJ and his podcasts religiously (pun intended) for many, many years. Got me through some hard times. You’re entitled to your opinion though.


Scotty's rant around 2:18:00 was so cathartic. I had to stop watching the documentary after that part because I was so disgusted

Brocks Onix

Was nice reliving some of the Manatee bashing with ya'll.


Paul saying “I scratch my balls” got me 😂😂😂


Easily contender for one of the best gauntlets yet. I really enjoyed analyzing the losers who harass these lolcows, especially Scotty tearing into them. I would definitely enjoy a part two. Would y’all do a segment looking into some particularly notable and known lolcow milkers like Mister Metokur?


The sadism gauntlet

Zyron Gonzales

Your message could have just as easily been conveyed if you would just; Go. Watch. Something. Else.


In case you guys need it, I re-uploaded the video of Brett reviewing the first DFF episode to my Vimeo. He makes the most disgusting noise ever in it! https://vimeo.com/devitadillon/manatee?share=copy

Zyron Gonzales

Why is Paul so cute in his glasses?!

Richard Armstrong

Jesus Dorn looks like Brett's water headed teen son situation. I didn't know that was a woman until the guys said so situation.


Yes Paul, this was a great Gauntlet! The cosmos yearns for a sequel!


There's Brett Keane-on-DP videos on Youtube, hundreds of hours of content. The manatee has been thoroughly milked.

Alex Johannes (edited)

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2024-07-08 19:47:43 Scotty fucking KILLED it this gauntle. Hearing him tear the psychopaths bullying Christine was incredibly cathartic. This gauntlet was excellent start to finish, guys. I think deepdives into more internet subcultures like this is a better format than individuals
2024-05-01 11:15:46 Scotty fucking KILLED it this gauntle. Hearing him tear the psychopaths bullying Christine was incredibly cathartic. This gauntlet was excellent start to finish, guys. I think deepdives into more internet subcultures like this is a better format than individuals

Scotty fucking KILLED it this gauntle. Hearing him tear the psychopaths bullying Christine was incredibly cathartic. This gauntlet was excellent start to finish, guys. I think deepdives into more internet subcultures like this is a better format than individuals


I would love to see a second one of these

brad spit

Thank you for tearing that little freak apart so thoroughly Scotty

Raptor Red

Great guantlet, tho I must say Paul you should read up on Drachenlord, he's like the poster child of internet lolcow culture, with the people making pilgramges to his house, I think you'd find it an interesting deep dive. Quality content as per usual guys 🔥🔥🔥


If they made "Turn Scotty Kirk into a simpering toady for T.J. for the rest of the episode" a sub goal I would donate to it.


We need a part 2

Lloyd Llewellyn

The Chris Chan section was difficult to watch.

tyler archer

Are you complaining they covered Brett? I live for that shit motherfucker so if u think I'm just going to be sitting there as an individual situation and listen to your bullshit you've got me twisted individual


The Chrischan shit is extremely disturbing. Good gauntlet 👍 definitely wouldn't mind a part 2


Patreorn really needs to improve its video player.

Joe Smerdon (edited)

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2024-07-08 19:47:43 Yeah its subpar
2024-05-01 15:38:43 Yeah its subpar

Yeah its subpar

Joe Smerdon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 19:47:43 I was playing Wolfenstein when the ChrisChan segment was playing in the background I went absolutely feral on some not sees. Threw me into a rage
2024-05-01 15:39:51 I was playing Wolfenstein when the ChrisChan segment was playing in the background I went absolutely feral on some not sees. Threw me into a rage

I was playing Wolfenstein when the ChrisChan segment was playing in the background I went absolutely feral on some not sees. Threw me into a rage

Joe Smerdon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 19:47:43 He wanted blood lol
2024-05-01 15:40:40 He wanted blood lol

He wanted blood lol

Joe Smerdon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 19:47:43 Paul did an absolutely wonderful job covering ChrisChan in a way that showed how twisted and messed up the people harassing them were without making fun of ChrisChan themselves. The Gauntlet was fantastic, looking forward to a part 2.
2024-05-01 15:46:29 Paul did an absolutely wonderful job covering ChrisChan in a way that showed how twisted and messed up the people harassing them were without making fun of ChrisChan themselves. The Gauntlet was fantastic, looking forward to a part 2.

Paul did an absolutely wonderful job covering ChrisChan in a way that showed how twisted and messed up the people harassing them were without making fun of ChrisChan themselves. The Gauntlet was fantastic, looking forward to a part 2.


my 2 cents as someone who has a narcissist father: Brett was 100% digging at Dawn there. he probably said the "beautiful wife" line because he's constantly trying to reinforce the narrative about how good things are with his life and family. The "no cheese" line is the mask slipping, but because he's online and not in front of her, he doesn't feel a need to hide his disappointment and has no concept of how that makes him appear to his audience



Michael Sims

My complaint is that it didn't really discuss the lolcow culture as much as I expected it to. Kinda wish they added maybe 30 extra minutes to talk about that.


My favorite thing about DSP is that he sucks at almost every game, but forces himself to play every new release while bitching the whole playthrough.


loved the dsp segment. a gaming friend of mine used to be obsessed w/ dsp's youtube channel and said it was hilarious. i immediately found it retarded and like he tried acting dumb as fuck on purpose. lost respect that day i found out my buddy liked dsp lmao


No, I'm not complaining, but I can see how one could interpret it that way. I just think it's hilarious that there's channels devoted to pooling together all of the wacky stuff that Brett has done and that it has a runtime in the hundreds of hours. It speaks to his patheticness.

Lee Russell

Needs a follow-up for sure. Good stuff.


I'm surprised you guys don't remember that you covered the brett rap. It was during the time where GMan challenged him to a rap battle I believe. You guys covered it on DP


I’d listen to a second gauntlet of this


Those Chris Chan trolls need to seriously be criminally charged


Great episode


do another one

Logan Hazen

We want cyraxx

Wesley Chrobak

Yes. Do another lol cow gauntlet. It will please me.

Justin Milette

Yes! Another lolcow gauntlet, please! I’ve seen numerous thumbnails about that dude Kingcobra whatever his name is on YouTube. Great gauntlet, Paul.

Justin Milette

100% agree with you. That part was painful to listen to I have to take pauses several times before finishing it. Fuck that BlueSpark and I wish karma would bite his ass super hard.

Silent Shade

Damn... Somethingawful is such a blast from the past for me. There are some early 2000's articles that still hold a special place in my heart.

Erato IsYourMuse

I just got out rehab recently. Internet and phone use was limited. Im out and sober and bingeing on dff patreon content


2:50:30 - there’s NO way Brett has been swatted. he would never stop talking about that shit if he was.


Yeah, hopefully, they will work to improve the user experience because it's not where it needs to be.

My Opinion

Good episode. Feel bad for a few of these dudes and ashamed we have such psychopaths among us.


yeah, but it’s the Lolcow gauntlet. the one place that should be okay to talk about Brett is here, and he’s kind of our community’s lolcow.. having all the direct interactions with Paul, Scotty & TJ over the last decade.

Keelan Ross

would love to see another gauntlet on this topic


This episode was an absolute banger. As are all Paul episodes

Benjamin Whyley

The sadistic psychopaths that do this shit to these poor people would be crying if they were left at the mercy of someone who could actually fight back. They’re the lowest form of scum.


More Boogie coverage. No Trump Gauntlet, and Glass of Milk was mid.


Hearing Scotty rip the trolls of Chris Chan a new one is superb. Btw, being a Virginia resident. Yes, there’s lol-cows on every corner.


Man of Sorrows, what a name For Lord Trump who came Ruined sinners to reclaim Areepeedooah, what a Savior Bearing shame and scoffing rude In my place condemned He stood Sealed my pardon with His blood Areepeedooah, Areepeedooah Areepeedooah, what a Savior Guilty, vile, and helpless we Spotless Lord Trump was He Full atonement, can it be? Areepeedooah, Areepeedooah Areepeedooah, what a Savior Lifted up was He to die "Areepeedooah" was His cry Now in heaven exalted high Areepeedooah, Areepeedooah Areepeedooah, what a Savior Areepeedooah, Areepeedooah Areepeedooah, what a Savior What a Savior, What a Savior When He comes, our glorious King All His ransomed home to bring Then a new His song we'll sing Areepeedooah, what a Savior Areepeedooah, what a Savior

Grim Nobody

Okay, I died when Wings said "somebody drank all my pepsis." Huh. I feel like you won't have to look far to find the culprit, dude xD

Zayne Mueller

Was really looking forward to the King Cobra JFS segment :( but a part two of this gauntlet? TMDWU, YouTube. But I digress....

Phoebe Ophie

So, I finally got through it all, and here's my thoughts: (edit: apparently the enter key on mobile just submits the comment. Anyway.) Definitely my new favourite gauntlet. It's fantastic, and I don't feel like anything was lingered on overly long (maybe Wings ever so slightly, but only because his arc was perhaps the least interesting of all of them - as soon as he started smashing keyboards and controllers he just remained exactly that) and it felt like the breaks were filled with really good loose ends conversations. Personally I'd absolutely love to see Lolcows vol. 2. I think you guys should definitely cover the two missed from this episode first, and then some others. Paul has mentioned ReviewTechUSA as a lolcow and I was actually a legit fan of his for years and remain so in theory, but I haven't really watched his current content since around the time this new studio of his came around. I know MundaneMatt was getting a lot of lolcow energy at one time. That's four, and I'm sure y'all could source a fifth - and if there's time left after a fifth, it would be really cool to hear you guys talk broadly for a while about the concept of the lolcow having now gone through a thorough exploration of it, and perhaps the influence that shows like DP back in the day might have had in inadvertently raising the profile of lolcow entertainment. In any case, thoroughly amazing show, my apologies for this wall of text but I can't seem to figure out how to actually insert a line break on the mobile Chrome version of the website.

Phoebe Ophie

Honestly Bluespark sounds like just as much of a victim in their own way as Chris - perhaps less so because the type of torture I imagine that dude experienced is more universal, but what I mean is that BlueSpark, to me, legitimately sounds like a 13-15 year old boy that was raised in a really traumatic household with a lot of really vitriolic language being directed at him. I was that age once. I never called anybody the type of shit Bluespark calls Chris so casually and so offhandedly until I was way older and learned it from adults I was hanging out with when I started to become an adult myself. I don't see how somebody in their 20s could sound like that. They just *sound* like a kid to me. Here's hoping somebody took his Internet away at some point.

J Allen

I'm loving this Paul glow up arc it's inspiring.

Phoebe Ophie

Brett might also be the most justified lolcow. He's a shitty person, and he's not mentally handicapped in any traditional sense - he's just a completely selfish prick driven exclusively by his own immediate urges and sense of pleasure, a constantly self-contradictory water mammal that will pretend like he's too stupid to know better when in front of one audience and reveal his Machiavellian scheme when he's in front of another. That's its own sort of stupidity, but it is not the helpless sort of situation that someone like Chris Chan is in. Brett could better himself if he would do even three proactive and intelligent things in his own life, but he never will, because that would subtract from the pizza/Tubz/weed/vodka/new gaming PC fund. Brett is easy and morally acceptable to make fun of because he is the rare example of somebody whose life is, truly, merely the result of his own choices. He's a straight, white, able-bodied Trump supporter with a smidgen of personality in the middle of fucking Missouri. By all metrics, he should be *somebody*. Brett could easily be top salesman in some shitty little car dealership in Festus right now, or selling weed in one of Festus's several dispensaries, or working at one of their many, many businesses in any number of capacities, and making far and away more money than he is on whatever welfare I imagine he is on - it isn't that those opportunities don't exist there. It's that Brett could never be fucked to be anything less than whatever his ultimate dream job is, so instead he flounders fruitlessly at the bottom of a platform he achieved only momentary success on. He's like a dude that wants eggs, but he doesn't want chickens, nor to pay someone who has them. They should simply appear in his fridge. This is why Brett will always be fine to make fun - because he's pretty much everything shitty about his area of the world condensed into a person.


lolcow part 2 please. I loved hearing these perspectives on the culture moreso than the lolcows themselves.

Roman Madatyan

Does it keep crashing for anyone else?

Ben Wigmans

Part Two please. Love Paul <3


This has been my favorite gauntlet in a long time. I'd love a part two and maybe even a part three.

Randy Steele

PLEASE make a part two to this shit! Thank you Paul btw

Joseph Land

2h:19 Preach Scottie! I can’t imagine how these losers can live with themselves


Jesus Christ-chan Sonichu Prime is the primest of prime lolcows.


I dream of death, I wake up dead.

Joseph Land

I legit had to fast forward past the Chris chan part. Too sad

Captain Tunnel

I had a laughing fit during the Manatee rap. Thank you for this bountiful harvest. Pretty sure the Stalin's Rind rap is from one of the Vimeo specials from back in the day.

U wot m8

The Bearded Lesbians, featuring: Beauregard King Manatee The Kaiser And Zeke Z

King Bugs

All of the Chris Chan reactions were dead on and fair. Scooter was on fire.

U wot m8

Also, Part two for sure.

Colin Thome

Maybe it’s just me but I think all these lolcows are at least partially in on the joke, even Brett Keane

Psychedelic Fox

for this being the lolcow episode the first two were not funny at all, more depressing. chrischan shouldn't of even been in here. I'm glad we at least got to shit on some assholes though with Scotty's 2012 rage.

Psychedelic Fox

the only thing brett keane is in is a bowl of chili with no cheese. he's definitely not in on the joke though, he's a dipshit. he wants to be in on the joke m, but he's too stupid to figure out how to be. 20 years later and he's still sittin' there like an indivijul having a situation about a particilar atheist scam situation.

Nancy Pulussy

Can you guys ask Brett to come on the show?


When it’s all said and done Brett makes me nostalgic and that’s something positive.


Part 2 please this was really good


I'm very glad you guys called out the loser behavior from the bullies. Like what does it say about you if you spend all your time being nasty to people? They just bully because they want to compare themselves to someone else and pretend that makes them better somehow... Pathetic.

My Opinion

I'll keep up my $35 a month if you bring us a part two as well, great episode.


Paul or TJ should be on the Lolcow Live Podcast.

Stephanie McNair

Absolutely yes to a part 2! Foodie Beauty is also a disgusting lolcow that I would love to see covered. There are so many lolcows I think there could be more than 2 parts!


Definitely want to see a part two to cover the rest.


Torgeous Jeorge, Thris Jhan, Tings of Jedemption, Tarksyde Jhill, and the TanaJee Trett Jeane


I used to chuckle at alot of the antics from Chris Chan, but that was before I learned just how much manipulation and abuse was going on.

Stephen Bier

Yes, part 2 please


Loved this gauntlet and would certainly love a part 2 one day.


Great episode. I think an episode about the lolcow bottomfeeders would be a good idea, yall would provide some good commentary on those wackjobs


Did I miss something? Where have onion nuggets and sloppy seconds gone?

John Parker

We need a part two, this was great


is too sad for me to watch it, but you makes it bear-able. Thanks you

Joseph Land

Paul’s one of the most naturally funny guys I know of and I’m putting him up there with Bill Hicks, so whatever. Maybe you don’t like the guy, but don’t sit here and pretend he doesn’t hand talent

Ramin Ibragimov

So many assumptions from one sentence about me 😂 He is probably the most funny and talented from DFF. But every time he cries about someone saying something bad about him, that every group, chat or whatever has to be monitored so no one would say Paul is retarded because it hurts our business Tj, Scotty. We have to do something about this!!! Bunch of menies are saying I am retarded because of my AI takes or whtvr 😢😢😢Every show if you have noticed he is defending himself instead of ignoring and moving on he is hyper focused on everything that is being said about him. Especially that is the case last year or two. So therefore he is a relatively successful lolcow 😂

Stoned Caterpillar

Is anyone else having an issue with patreon stopping the stream and it not picking back up again, so you have to back out and open the app again

Skeptics Analysis

Chris's situation is a real life Black Mirror Episode.


Am I the only one who wasn’t crazy about this gauntlet? Maybe it’s just because the first two people made me sad and just put me in a funk, but this was my least favorite one so far. I liked them pointing out all lot of the fucked up behavior of some of the trolls. And any Brett trolling is always fun, but I think it’s because they have a personal history with him and aren’t just bullying a random internet person.

wolvebane2 .

They aren’t and haven’t done anywhere near the level of stuff to Brett as these lolcows they just clown on him which is completely different from relentlessly bullying Chris Chan who is a heavily mentally challenged adult who has the mind of a child to the point where he does something despicable to his mother


Those people taunting Chris is disgusting. I felt sad for Chris.

Alistair 6336

The Chris Chan bit depressed the hell out of me and I couldn't watch any more after that.

Dale Pierce (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-08 19:47:43 Please do another! Gotta have Raxx and *especially* gotta have the Gothic Boglim Kingcobra!
2024-05-03 23:45:27 Please do another! Gotta have Raxx and *especially* gotta have the Gothic Boglim Kingcobra!

Please do another! Gotta have Raxx and *especially* gotta have the Gothic Boglim Kingcobra!

Richard LeBeck

If you guys do a part 2, please include your old buddy andy warski. Actually a ton of the skeptic community could easily make one of these gauntlets

Will Novak

Great gauntlet, would love another Lolcow show, would also love to know how people like Nikocado Avocado fit under that umbrella.


Once again Paul you didn't "move things along"

Shayne Mathew Jendrey

I loved how angry Scotty got about this on this one and he is totally right. These Lolcows are people and for someone like Chris-Chan it is/was really fucked up how bad they treated him and other autistic people on the internet. It made me see these Lolcows in a different light. HAIL KAISER SCOTTY.


Personally I haven't enjoyed the last several. I don't think the topics have been very strong. I heard Brett is in this one so I might skim through for that.


I have, at least what I believe is, an interesting view on Chris Chan. I was a young kid when the peak of the trolling took place and so much of my exposure was in retrospect. I started to look more into them because I genuinely liked the design and idea of Sonichu, and I found the exploration of Chris’ psyche through their art to be incredibly interesting. As someone who is also autistic and has more childish interest and even mannerisms, I found myself relating to Chris on some level. I’m not going to lie and say there wasn’t a “cringe” aspect to it all, but I didn’t come at it from the perceptive of “I’m better than Chris Chan”, but more of a “If my life was just a little different, I could’ve turned out like this”. Even after the whole Barbra thing, I still like Sonichu as a character and as a piece of art. It has an emotional vulnerability only someone like Chris Chan could provide and for that I am grateful.


The way Scooter just expressed my thoughts about these no life pathetic motherfuckers was honestly so Cathartic. Great gauntlet bois I'd definitely tune in for a part 2.

Rants n rambles

Christian is obviously retarded, what excuse would they even have?


For the most part I really liked the gauntlet, but if you guys did a part 2, then I think I'd kind of like it if you guys did a rapid-fire. One where you guys spend maybe a little over 40 minutes per person instead of 80-ish minutes, would be more entertaining.

Joe Davis

Great gauntlet.

Jackson Matley

Finally made time to watch it. Kick ass gauntlet. Paul did an excellent job with the pacing on this one!

Zachary Hahn

this gauntlet was one of my favorites! PLEASE DO A PART 2


Amazing work guys I'd love a part 2!

Samuel Hollins

Awesome gauntlet! I think the balance the three of you struck between empathy and accountability was excellent.

Void Whisperer

That Chis-chan story made me so mad, thank you Scotty for giving words to what I suspect all of us were feeling. I think this needs a part two, felt like it was educational as well as entertaining. And Paul,: Even if you don't feel like covering Dragon Lord yourself you'd probably want to at least read up on him. He is a mesmerizing trainwreck.

Canadian Satan

Great Gauntlet, would love a pt 2. If you do, look into Stuttering John Melendez, he was hired to be a lolcow on Howard Stern, then was poached by Jay Leno, now he gets absolutely hammered on livestreams and has a whole "Dabbleverse" built around him it's wild. It's also not quite as depressing as someone like Chris-Chan. John is kinda drinking himself to death but he's also not a good person in any way and refuses to admit he has any kind of a problem. There are still people who insert themselves into his life to fuck with him and that's never ok.

Rodney Knowlton

Great Gauntlet Gentlemen. New patron here but long time listener on YouTube

Rodney Knowlton

Def would vote for a part 2 of lolcow!

The Glue Boblin

The people that did this to Chris Chan should be in jail for twice the amount of time they fucked with him. Honestly I'm not even sure if that's enough. I don't even care if they where kids they probably should just be in jail till Chis Chan is able to have one good day. I don't know about the stuff with his mom or grandma, but whatever may have occurred was probably spurred on by these fucks deteriorating his already fragile mind.

Dick Rickles

Nice fucking gauntlet

Rocky Alvillar

I too wish I could be a devil and wrought havoc on the people who tortured Chris chan. People that are that sadistic need to get a little eye for an eye treatment so the onlookers who chuckled will think twice.

Tech Noir

Great show guys. The story of Chris Chan is often portrayed as comedy. When in reality it's one of the darkest stories of the information age.

Alec Risser

I'm proud to be from the lol cow state.


The Kaiser speaks for the who cannot defend themselves.. how heroic, such heroism is not found commonly in modern society and it is very much needed… honestly the Chrischan segment broke my spirit to listen and see someone abused and what is seemingly a child, it feels too uncomfortable and disgusting to watch, blue spike is a legitimate sociopath and like TJ said if he wanted him to take it all the way he would’ve make Chris do anything just to get his own rocks off…. Someone has to find this kid and put him in an institution

cabu1990 .

ok if not the rest. maybe cover the next few in sloppy 2nds

Jake Tracer

Would love a part 2! Loved the perspective you guys approached this gauntlet with. The suffering was less overt, and the juxtaposition of tragedy and comedy ranging from Chris-chan to DSP really makes for an interesting and entertaining watch. Keep it up, gentlemen!


Loved the Brett Keane stage performance idea, but feel like it would be more appropriate if you dimmed the lights and brought him out on a bed with wheels, laying on his side with sunglasses on. Incorporate mac and cheese and sunny d into that somehow and you are golden.


Jesus Christ-Chan Sonichu Prime is an infinitely better person than her tormentors. Thank you Paul for giving her an even handed treatment.

Randar Zalthor

Yes Paul. Part 2 would be welcome.


Please sir, can I have some more.

A Davidson

BTW, Bluespike was like 12 years old at the time they were trolling Chris Chan.


Awesome gauntlet Paul. Would love to see more!

Disturbed Renegade

The closest thing we ever got to that, is Isabella Janke getting expelled from her college after people told them about her, but her parents are glowies and she's about to be a nepo baby. Another instance was when someone called out Clyde Cash during the whole Bluespike shit. But the ones who manipulated chris into thinking they're a god, more than likely got away with it


The PKA/DFF crossover finally happened.


Jacking off on camera and spending tons of money on gacha games isn't what makes DSP a lolcow... It's more the fact that he sucks at playing video games (his "job") and constantly blames everything but himself for this. He is also extremely antagonistic towards his audience when he isn't begging them for money, which is 99% of the time. He refuses to change for the better, regularly complains about how "hard" his life is and throws away lucrative opportunities even when they are practically served to him on a silver platter. The dumbass turned down $50,000 from Keemstar, all because he is incredibly arrogant and feels above it all. Last I checked, Keemstar is the multimillionaire, not DSP. Funny thing is, he probably could have been a multimilionaire if he leaned into the fact that he sucks at video games and had made content centered around that, but that ship has definitely sailed. He is the undisputed king of lolcows.


That ChisChan shit was terrible, I legit wanted to cry. I've seen people do terrible shit to each other. That kind of psychological torture of a mentally handicapped person should be illegal. That was fucking sick. Those people are little psychopaths.

A Davidson

Pretty sure it's already illegal. Problem is it isn't taken seriously. Mentally disabled people aren't seen as fully human and the legal system doesn't care about them.

A Davidson

Yes, it's widely suspected that trolls manipulated him into thinking this kind of thing was OK. The trolls are also responsible for convincing him that fictional characters are real and that a "dimensional merge" is happening.

A Davidson

Keep in mind that kiwifarms, the forum that was originally created to co-ordinate trolling Chris chan, once literally had "abusing the mentally handicapped for fun and profit" on their front page, and has harassed several autistic and transgender content creators to the point of suicide, and are proud of that.

A Davidson

There's a difference between for example, laughing at his chris chan sonichu video and laughing at videos of him being abused.


Awesome video 🥤🐋 no cheese.


Kudos to paul finding such an old, obscure head of lolcattle. The milk was sweet


As messed up as Blue Spike was, I can empathize with him a bit. You guys are right, he's a loser with no life. But at the same time, he was 13. When I was in elementary school, I used to bully another autistic kid. If I were just a couple IQ points smarter back then, I'd have fucked with him much worse. That's blue spike. Kid's are cruel, man. I regret my bullying, and I've heard blue spike regretted this sht too.


I love that you guys have finally found a gauntlet that's 6 hours of hilarity instead of 6 hours of torment


I can't believe I was naive enough to think the Manatee wouldn't be a part of this. I will be watching you guys cover him until I'm forty, lmao


I think Brett is actually referring to the Rhine River when he says "Stalin's Rhine". Only problem is, the Rhine River was on the Western front not the East, so it still makes no sense LOL.

Aphro Aqua

I'm shocked Paul didn't talk about Wings being a pdf file. Overall, the gauntlet was great.

Leon Esper

Ive been looking forward to this since I heard about. You could tell Paul was excited and put alot of time and effort into it. I knew it would be more than just another "lol" vid. When Paul puts really dives into something its alwys TopTier and next level, More akin to An Inteospective Analysis that really showcases Pauls natural Artistic nature and Talent of expression


That Chris Chan shit is depressing. I have a brother who is on the spectrum, high functioning and probably more intelligent than I am unlike Chris Chan but it makes me sick to my stomach thinking that this could have been him if he was less fortunate. These people are fucking repulsive.


I'm late to the party, but you should definitely do a pt. 2!

Chris Meska

Too bad Cyraxx wasn't a part of this. I'll literally pay for an all Cyraxx video, name your price

John Farris

Best gauntlet! Thanks guys!


This was a very enjoyable and interesting gauntlet, especially when talking about the ethics of following lolcows, and where to draw the line etc. It's definitely good to know others feel the same way about how wrong it is to endlessly screw with clearly mentally ill people for the lulz, those lolcow communities are something else... Hope there's a part 2!


You said you were going to cover King Cobra. Cobes and Chris Chan are literally the only reasons I resubscribed. They're the only lolcows other than Brett Keane I care at all about. Where the fuck is KingCobraJFS?! You better make a Part 2 with the Gothic Badboy, BOY! That's what's up!

Devourlord Asmodeus

Dark Souls is my relax game, all the soulsborne games are something that just lets me turn my brain off, they also make great weed games

Nipples Peelov

Please make a pt 2. This gauntlet was fantastic

Luka Hays

That pickle guy is an absolute fucking loser. He's basically psychologically torturing a mentally retarded child trapped in an adult's body. How folks think this is amusing and not just outright predatory and disgusting behavior is mindboggling to me. Thing is, I bet these are the same folks who are obsessed with those pedo hunter channels and love when pedos get busted (and rightly so), but then totally fail to see how fucked up it is when they indulge in content that's not all that far off from the predatory nature of a pedo with its fucked up power dynamic of exploitation of a vulnerable person by a fully grown adult.


I know it's low brow but that flushing toilet bit is funny AF

Luzno Lindo

T.J. hit the nail on the head when he stated that these people are boring. From George, to Chris, to Wings, to Brett, to Phil, take away all their online shenanigans and all you've got are a bunch of miserable, middle-aged people who've done nothing original or interesting in their lives. Without the Internet, most of them would just be on the streets.