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Cynthia Jehl

Rebooted Janet is so fun and sweet! When she hands out a cactus instead of the file and the joke keeps getting funnier as the episode goes on 😂 Love her little scene with Janyu as well, that was adorable. Bad place demons are fun for sure. Trevor is such an ashole 😆😆 Michael finally standing up for himself was so satisfying ! You had 2 good guesses! Can't wait for future reactions to these! The flashbacks are always fun, Eleanor was quite something in her past. But we saw already how much she's changed. The whole cast is just awesome, it's such a fun and interesting show to watch with lots of humor and heart as well 🥰

James Jones

Couple things from the real world to note: first off, Arizona gets mocked my California all the time in movies and television because conservative folks who leave California usually move to Arizona. And the Arizona state flower is a cactus. All the liberals in California take it personally. Second, except for oranges and tourism, there is very little industry in Florida. Politicians who are lobbied by tourism inevitably write some stupid laws. The creator of the show, Mike Schur, has given several interviews where he goes off on Florida laws and county or district/voting maps that will make you want to mock Florida too. It is not as ridiculous as the show, but it will make you do a double take.