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Cynthia Jehl

RIP Eddie... His death really got to me, especially the way it impacted Dustin... and yeah, awful to think he’ll always be remembered as a murderer leader of a satanic cult... I feel so bad for his uncle, even though he needed to be told that Eddie was dead, up to that point, he still had hope. I do agree it sucks when they kill off new characters. Eddie grew on me fast this season and I wished he had survived. But as you said, there was no way to prove his innocence and he would have been forced to live on the run for the rest of his life. Still, it sucks, would have loved to have him team up with the gang in s5. The finale was really good and I think it's my third favourite episode this season, first was The Hawkins lab massacre, and second was Dear Billy. I’m usually not a fan of bringing back characters, but Max is a fave so I’m glad she isn't dead. Although, her state isn't the best... I didn't even think of brain damage until you mentioned it. Damn... not sure how she'll be in the next season. I’m so glad I’m not the only one thinking it's convenient that Vecna is taking his sweet time to kill Max and allow Eleven to be encouraged by Mike and fight back. Same with the trio taking so long to attack Vecna. I think at this point, Vecna didn't care since, as he told Eleven "you have already lost" and maybe that's why he barely put up a fight against the molotov attacks and Nancy shooting him. The Russian storyline got dragged too long this episode. They shouldn't have them escape and then return, that was just a bit nonsense. Either they should have left right away, or stayed at the prison to deal with the demogorgons when they were still in the tubes, like maybe use explosives or something. There was dynamite in the episode Hopper escaped the first time so I’m sure they could have used that. The reunions scene between Hopper and Eleven really got me 🥺 ever since season 2, I've loved their dynamic, hope we get plenty in s5. I have to say it, I do not think Nancy and Jonathan should stay together, reunited and he already lied to her about college... and I don't know but they were so awkward in their scenes together. I don't know if she could get back together with Steve though. I think they are completely different from the people they were when they dated in s1 and early s2. Steve has definitely grown and become a much better man, also he ditched his moron friends and became bestie with Robin and Dustin 😊 As for Nancy, she's changed so much too. I think she should be alone for a while, focus on what she wants in life and then see who she wants to be with. I hope we get more Robin and Vicky in s5, rooting for them!! I think we're definitely going to lose people next season... Will would be the one I believe not to make it since it all started with him missing in s1. He got so many close calls already... another one I think would be Steve (and I hate the idea so much since he's my fave) sacrificing himself for the kids or Nancy or both... and I think El might die too... but we have to wait until we can finally watch s5, another long wait ahead... Thank you for addind the reaction to the bloopers 😁😁