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Sofie K.

Hahah orange-Eric is an automatic MVP. And yeah, so Maeve is pregnant. She took the pregnancy test in the bathroom at the party, she saw the result and said "idiot" to herself in the mirror... Don't worry - there will be plenty shipping in this show aswell. But I agree with you on the focus on Friends, it is so refreshing when they highlight friendships instead of only care about romantic ships (though we need some romance!!)


I love how much you love Eric and it was great seeing how much you were laughing. I was grinning the whole time. It was such a fun reaction. And you're right, Eric is great. I absolutely love Eric. And he has such GREAT comedic timing as well. It's been awhile since I watched s1 so this is fun.

Cynthia Jehl

This episode has quite a few laugh out loud moments and your reactions were just on point 😂 Your love for Eric is so relatable ! He's definitely one of my faves. I especially love his friendship with Otis, like you said, it's great seeing the scenes in which they just act like best friends goofing around, bantering, even all the scenes when Eric picks him up to go to school. They're awesome. Maeve is such a well written character and I’m really looking forward to you learning more about her. Adam is a mess this episode 😂 but I love his scene with Jean. Oh the shipping possibilities are strong in this show, it's gonna be quite the bumpy ride 😁 Great reaction !

Laura Shepherd

Oh I love this show! I'm so glad you're reacting to it - looks like I'll be sticking around when Farscape ends 😂 Will be interesting to see your perspective as a British person. I'm from Australia so I didn't notice the British/American culture mashup until I read an article about it. This is just how we're used to seeing schools portrayed on TV (it's nothing like schools here either lol).


yeah, American school is pretty much all I watch on tv as well, so it throws me right off seeing British people in an American-type school. definitely, a good idea, makes it appeal to so many more people as we're exposed to the American schools system quite offen