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Sofie K.

I get your point about Chuck and Blair. I get why you reacted like that (unfortunatly it made you miss Chuck's important lines, but I get it...) But I just don't thing they dragged it out in this episode. The scene on the roof just made you/us think that they were going to do that story once again - that is why the last scene is so good. I think this was the best way they could have handled it. Because it needed to be said that while Chuck put Blair first she has kept him "on the hook" (HIMYM). "I always put you first and you bet against me every time" It is one of my favourite scenes. And it made the last scene perfect: "You said I always bet against you. But this time I'm all in". PERFECT in my opinion. I like the cliffhangers it lead me with when I first watched:. It seems that Dan and Georgina is off to take down the upper east side. And Chuck and Blair's storylines seems to be interesting with them probably working together on taking down Bart. Finally some teamwork with them again instead of will-they-won't-they-drama. Nate investigating the identity of Gossip Girl. Serena on her way to overdose? And Ivy vs Lily. Those were my "predictions". I looked forward to Dan's, Georgina, Nate, Chuck and Blair's storylines. I had lost my interest with Serena at this point (took way to long for me to realize what an awfull charachter she is haha) and I was dreading a repeat of Lily vs Ivy. But overall it seems like everyone will be scheeming in season 6, which is the best part of the show. I remember really liking Season 6. It has got some very good things! Whereas seson 5 felt quite long at times haha.

Sofie K.

Season 5 could have cut out half of the episodes.(Maybe I'm exaggerating, but they dragged on so many things... )