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Megan Linart

Love the friends with benefits episode! As someone who has had a casualish type relationship before they really ALL dont turn out that way lol, but it really got the point across and was a great jumping off point for barny's character actually having these feelings and its just nice to get glimpses to this other side to him we dont see much. Great reactions! :)


did i get that right that you really thought reading a magazine means masturbating? lol they meant pooping


Omg really ha Barney even throws in flapping that why I'm confused. That alot better not judging marshal anymore

Cynthia Jehl

The first episode is great for the Ted and Robin scenes. It was sweet of Marshall to share his favorite bar with her. Of course, he did a jerk move to reveal Robin was from Canada. But as you said, he made up for it in the end when he apologized and told her how loved she was. That was such a sweet moment. And the cherry on top was the Canadian bar with Marshall singing "Let's go to the mall" at the karaoke 🤣 Barney's songs for Heather... Just, sometimes he's a bit much... Second episode is great. I love the storyline with Barney trying to hide how he feels about Ted and Robin having sex again. RIP all those tvs... Lilly picking up on it right away made sense since she already knows, but the best moment is when Ted realizes that Barney's in love for Robin. I felt really bad for him at the end. Of course, the scene with him confiding to the kindergarten class was just hilarious 🤣 and Lilly proving once again she can't keep a secret, poor kid... I think you misunderstood Marshall, for him reading a magazine means dropping a deuce. That's why there are all the hints about the food. Barney on the other hand, definitely reads the different kind of magazine, which is definitely a really weird thing to do at work. It was kinda funny each time Marshall said deal after walking in on Ted and Robin though. As usual great reaction, definitely looking forward to the next one 😊


The magazine really throw me off forget this early 2000 I just play yu gi oh duel link when doing the deed now


KKKKKKKK It was so funny that you misunderstood the magazine thing. I guess a lot of jokes didn't land because of that though. Nice reaction as always!

Dylan Perryman

I believe the actual joke was Marshall taking a dump at work, which fits his character, but then of course Barney comes along and turns it sexual xD Loved the reactions, they were awesome to watch as always, and can't wait for every Wednesday haha Second episode is definitely my favourite of the two, as it shows more of Barney's complicated-ness


Second ep is still one of my top fave eps from HIMYM! I'm so happy to see you had that ギュウ ("Gyuu") reaction during that Barney x Robin moment! (FYI - Japanese onomatopoeia of that heart clenching reaction/feeling.) YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THE UPCOMING TWO EPS - PROMISE. Fun fact about the Canadian jokes (and they are a-coming and never stop!) - one of the writers is from Canada and so is Robin's actress (the wonderful Cobie Smulders). So the creators wanted to be a bit cheeky and go full throttle with Canadian jokes since Canadians tend to do the same on the northern side of the border; we make fun of Americans in an inoffensive, knowingly way. (I know - 'coz I hail from the same place as Cobie does.) HOWEVER - one of the running gags about Robin being a gun nut is an ironic joke since statistically, Americans own more guns than Canadians. And having Robin be super into guns when her group of American friends aren't makes the running gag funny (since *stereotype alert* Americans sure love their guns!) And since you love Barney a lot, here's another fun tidbit - NPH (Neil Patrick Harris) actually is super talented in magic so the writers wrote that into Barney's character. Also NPH is a Broadway actor, hence why Barney continually sings phrases every so often. The writers (and NPH) like to milk it for laughs (and his voice is downright awesome). Hint: you'll see what I mean in the next set of eps. Looking forward to next week!