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This is "UNCUT MERLIN 5x3 REACTION" by Chaosleaf on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Honestly didn’t like this episode. It was repetitive and a bit boring. I feel like dealing with a main plot should’ve been the focus or understory. It felt a lot like a throwaway episode and the writing was off. Like why was Mithian so dumb she had so many chances to say something. People not noticing Merlin’s magic, Morgana failing, Gaius and Merlin slowly figuring things out. I hate to say bad things about the show but this just wasn’t my jam. Although I did love the pieces of Gwen. As small as her role was this episode her character felt more fresh and new compared to everyone else who were very familiar.

Cynthia Jehl

Haha, I feel like hearing myself in that end review. It's true that, it being the last season, they should focus on the main plotline rather then giving us an episode like this one. It does feel repetitive the whole Morgana plots to have Arthur captured/killed and Merlin saves the day at the last minute. There are still some positives about this episode though. I really like the continuity of the Odin plot. This has started all the way back in season 2, with Odin hiring an assassin to kill Arthur after he killed his son in a duel. I also like that we get closure for this storilyne in a way. After Uther's death because of Odin, we were bound to have Arthur seeking revenge in a later episode. But what I really like about this episode is that it's both Gwen and Merlin that have a moment with Arthur about his decision to take revenge or not. They were after all the two people he confided in in 2x02 about his regrets of killing Odin's son so it felt fitting that it was both of them who voiced their opinions on the matter to Arthur. I also really love that the writers did not go with the jealousy route with Gwen. It really wouldn't make sense after 3 years of marriage and it would have been quite out of character for Gwen. So I like that the writers decided to go with Gwen's worried Arthur's putting himself in danger just for the sake of revenge rather than being jealous of Mithian. I kinda wish there had been a scene between Mithian and Gwen. I feel like that they would get on and become friends. I was surprised you did not recognise Morgana right away, it's pretty obvious it's her in an old make-up lol. I like how they showed her struggling with the spell, since we know it's really powerful magic and even Merlin had trouble with it in the past. Merlin is definitely better at using it now though, we've seen him in the season 4 finale how it was almost second nature to just switch back between the two forms. Morgana is getting more powerful, but she's not on Merlin's level just yet and this episode really proves it. You said she had an opportunity to kill Merlin in the woods, and I honnestly believe that she thought she had. Like Merlin said, she did not count on Gaius using magic to heal him, and also she's not aware that Merlin has magic. So, to be fair with Morgana, when she used the strangling spell, I truly believe she did that to kill Merlin. Even Gaius was worried that Merlin did not wake up when he should have. Morgana also looked shocked when she saw Merlin in the tomb, but she barely had any time to react before she was thrown into the wall and knocked out. I do agree that by this point she should have figured it out, but she's a pendragon, she's just as oblivious as Arthur when it comes to Merlin's magic XD (yeah, it's easier to make fun of it than taking it more seriously, much more enjoyable to watch too). Mithian had many opportunities to reveal Morgana's identity, and this just felt like bad writing for her. I understand that she fears for her father's life and also that Morgana can hurt her any moment but still, it felt weird that she did not try harder. The best opportunity would have been when Morgana was weakened by the aging spell and surrounded by all the knights, Merlin and Arthur. She was in such a vulnerable position there and Mithian should have shouted "that's Morgana" and well, Morgana would have been pretty much done and captured since she couldn't even stand properly.... All the other scenes, I did not mind because Mithian was really scared for her father's safety, and Morgana could send word to Odin at any moment to have him killed. But that particular scene, when Morgana was quite powerless to do anything, she definitely should have told them. I do admire Morgana for her courage of putting herself in such a vulnerable position the entire episode. That scene when Gaius is examing her, must have been quite terrifying for her and yet she did not let anything show, she kept in character so well that only Merlin and Gaius suspected that anything was amiss. So, well done Morgana. Like you said, plot wise, this episode is repetitive, but as usual we get good character pieces. The main one here is of Arthur of course. I really love how he was written this episode, both struggling with his desire of revenge, being stubborn and not listening to his knigts when it was clearly a bad idea to go on with the mission. But he also listened to the two most important people in his life, Gwen and Merlin. Of course, like you pointed it out, he doesn't really listen to Gwen, and she's definitely not fooled by his answer. But then we have the two scenes with Merlin. The first one by the fire (as it's a habit for them to share feelings around a firecamp) in which Merlin tries to convince Arthur that he shouldn't go on and we get Arthur asking Merlin what he would do in his position. Of course, Merlin emphatizes with Arthur and we definitely get the feeling that if Merlin were faced with the man who killed his own father, he would probably kill him (which we know he did, roaring at him in rage and sorrow after his after was stabbed....). But then we also get the second scene in which Merlin appeals to Arthur's compassion. Merlin knows that it's Arthur's dream is to unite the lands of Albion in peace, and he also knows that killing Odin will probably ruin that dream forever. Arthur is really conflicted at first in that scene, and I honnestly believed that he would kill Odin the first time I watched the episode. I think that scene is also a nice parallel to the one in season 4, when Arthur was about to kill Queen Annis' husband and he had Agravaine talking him into killing him. Here we have a similar scene, a king at Arthur's mercy but a very different person who is conselling him. This is also a nice reminder of the legend, in which Merlin is Arthur's most trusted advisor. And to make the scene even better, we get Odin to actually agree to a truce. That concludes the long arc we had with this character in such a satisfiying way. And we are one step closer to Arthur uniting the lands just like the prophecy foretold many years ago. And I also love how Arthur admits to Gwen that Merlin deserves some credits for the outcome of the mission, and Gwen teasing him about it. It's a cute moment. I don't know if you've noticed, but there's a shift between Gaius and Merlin. Remember how in earlier seasons, it was always Merlin who was more positive and optimistic and Gaius was the one always worried and gloomy. Well, here we have Gaius being quite happy with the outcome of the mission and we see Merlin fixating on the one big problem, that Morgana's powers are growing. It was the same with Merlin being worried about Mordred living in Camelot and Gaius believeing that people can change. I just find it interesting how with time it's Merlin who's lost his optimism and faith and Gaius who is more trusting. Not related to the main plot of the episode, but I love the scene at the beginning when Merlin is giving an order to Arthur and Arthur asks him how it felt and Merlin answers "not completely unpleasant" and Arthur's face at that. Powerplay seems to be quite pleasant to Arthur too ;) Also I love how poor Gwaine doesn't get a hug because Merlin is just too busy worrying about Arthur and he dips out ignoring Gwaine's attempt at a hug. And I love that they get scenes together and work together to rescue Arthur and the other knights. Merlin using the spell to cause an earthquake has to be one of my favorite scenes of him using his magic. I just love how powerful he is in that scene and it's so well done too. But I do agree with you, by this point, someone must have realised he has magic and it's really frustrating to not get a reveal. How much easier would it have been for them to escape if all of them were aware of Merlin's magic and he could just blast people away without having to hide? So frustrating... Next episode, Mordred is back. I am so cusious to see your reaction to that episode. Next week can't come soon enough.