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This is "UNCUT MERLIN SEASON 4 EPISODE 13 REACTION" by Chaosleaf on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Since you brought up shows to watch after Merlin I have to recommend Medici. Bradley James joins from season 2 and his performance is really great! It’s also a period drama but it’s not medieval, it’s about the Medici family if you’ve heard of them. The only other medieval show I really know of is Poldark. But back to Merlin. I can’t believe you’re nearly done with it. This was a nice two parter, I think this was the first interaction between Arthur and Morgana since she went her own way. I love whenever they mention how similar she is to Uther. The character pieces in Merlin are my favourite. The lengths characters go to, how they get driven to points of no return and so much more. Aggravaine brought up a really good point about how Merlin has deceived Arthur. It’s kind of a betrayal in itself because it’s a huge secret. Arthur doesn’t really know who he is, what he does for him, how strong he is etc.. I can’t imagine a friend hiding a secret like that. I loved the Merlin and Aggravaine scene but I wish him and Arthur had a scene. In terms of Season 5, it personally isn’t my favourite but a lot of people really like it. I’m curious to see what you’re thoughts are. I can’t believe it’s already nearly over.

Cynthia Jehl

First of, thanks for the mention in your intro :) I'm glad you enjoy my long comments. Sorry for spoiling you about the slow mo though. At least it wasn't too overused in this episode I think, at least it's less cheesy in my opinion. I agree when you pointed out that the first part of the finale was a bit similar to the s3 one in terms of Morgana getting the throne and Arthur and co having to flee Camelot. The confontation between Agravaine and Merlin has to be one of Merlin's darkest moments in the show so far. Just the way he's hesitant and you can clearly see he doesn't want to use his magic to kill again. When he says to Agravaine "be careful", it was a last warning, maybe a last chance that Merlin was granting him to save himself but no, Agravaine stays and Merlin is left with no choice. Such a powerful scene! Merlin has changed so much over the years and it's in that particular scene that we just realise how much he's had to take on in his mission to protect Arthur. Compared to the young carefree boy we see in season 1, this is a completely different character, and the change in him probably started after he poisoned Morgana. That definitely changed him and as the years went on, we see how much. So yeah, the scene with Agravaine is both satisfying to watch but also really painful for Merlin... One thing I regret, is that we did not get a confrontation between Arthur and Agravaine, that is definitely something that should have happened. When you mentioned wanting Merlin to tell Arthur about the magic this episode, that was the entire fandom while watching this finale.... I am not even going to begin telling you how frustrating it was that the reveal once again did not happen (I ranted for days afterwards about it....). The problem is (and for you it isn't one) that all throughout the season, the reveal was teased a lot during promos and interviews, so it felt really disappointing that the finale ended without one. Anyway, at least Arthur got Excalibur at last (although they don't call the sword Excalibur) and the scene is so beautiful that we almost forget that once again it's Merlin manipulating things behind the scenes. Part of me was disappointed by how Arthur got the sword thanks to Merlin's magic but another part of me wants to believe that Merlin waited until he felt Arthur's true faith before allowing his magic to release the sword. But as I said, the scene is so well done cinematically speaking, with the light, the music, the acting, that I still manage to love it no matter what. And the show has proven many times that they did their own take of the legend so that was definitely a twist from what I was expecting to happen. I also love that Merlin had the dragon gather everyone for when he'd guide Arthur to the stone. I also love the parallel to the s3 finale when Arthur gets the support of Leon and Perceval and then he turns to Merlin and this time Merlin is ready to follow him compared to saying "nah I don't really fancy it" when sitting at the round table. Morgana's fear of Emrys is just hilarious XD It never fails to make me laugh, just like the scene in 4x06 when she sees him in her hovel and she just dipps out XD You said the dragon is OP this episode but to me it's Merlin who is the real MVP, like he's so powerful this episode and we love to see it. It's not even that showy, it's just his confidence and man, the way it takes him a second to transform into and out his old form (compared to the first time he did it), the way he just knocked out that guard without even turning as if he were just swatting a fly away, and of course his spell on Morgana. Without Merlin they would have surely lost. This is why it also annoys me that Arthur still doesn't know about him, Merlin deserves some recognition at this point.... Every character around him gets to become more and he's still just a servant. The first time, it was really frustrating to watch but I guess I tolerated it more after a few rewatches. Anyway, let's get to the Merlin and Arthur scenes. I love them this episode, their scenes are always the best part of the episode for me and this episode is no different. Between the sassy moments and the heartwarming ones, we're so spoiled with these two. Wen Arthur is worried about Merlin and goes back to look for him and then says "alright it's true, I came back to look for you because you're the only friend I have and I couldn't bear to lose you" I just can't with these two. And the amount of times they look at each other's lips this episode ! I also love the scene when Merlin tries to reassure Arthur after he's so full of doubt (of course it's another campfire scene). And of course the scene before he takes him to the sword with their banter back and forth. All in all, they had so many great moments this season and I can't wait for you to see more of them in season 5. Arthur facing Morgana for the first time since the end of seasn 3 is such a good scene too ! I just kinda wish they had fought together, it would have been great because we know from season one that they used to spar together as kids so a duel between the two would have been great to see and much more satisfying than the fight against Helios. Still, I love Morgana VS Gwen scene, it's so sad that Morgana resents Gwen so much for what she's destined to become, because they were such close friends and I totally understand why Gwen is asking her why she's like that.... Poor Gwen, keeps being blamed for things she can't control.... It's really sad and tragic when you stop and think about it.... Isolde dying was so not a surprise to me, she already got hurt in the first episode. Also, it was clear that the couple was used to parallel Arthur and Gwen and it was a way for Arthur to realise he would forgive Gwen and give her another chance. Like you, I couldn't really feel much for Isolde's death. But it is a sad and bittersweet ending for these two characters. Of course the music and the acting make the scene work. I still find the cut to Arthur looking at Gwen quite cheesy though (sorry, I still don't ship them lol). I do prefer the second proposal though, I suppose the fact that it was more spontaneous and more moving works better in my opinion. Angel in that dress looks absolutely gorgeous, Gwen is a very beautiful queen. And yay you noticed that Merlin is wearing a new jacket, well he's actually wearing Arthur's jacket ;) You'll have to watch a deleted scene from episode 9 of season 4 to see it. It shows Merlin going through Arthur's wardrobe and holding out different jackets for him, and we see the exact same one that Merlin is wearing during the coronation: Here's the scene if you want to watch it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGOSy4uhDtw&ab_channel=ChiruSama // Ah, these idiots and their sharing clothes habits, Merlin with the jacket and Arthur with the blue cloak when he sneaks out of the castle (cloak Merlin gave him all the way back in season 2 ;) ). Yep, that's Aithusa at the end saving Morgana... bad dragon... lol but she's so cute and she definitely grew up since the last time we saw her. I love how you thought Morgana would have been found by the druids. That would have been an interesting ending too. Well, I can't believe next week you're already starting season 5, wow it feels like yesterday you started the show. You mentioned wanting the reveal a lot this reaction, I'm curious about your ideal scenario for it. Would you like an accidental reveal with lots of drama following it, or more a Merlin tells Arthur ? I also wanted to share an edit I made after season 4 aired (I promise, there are no spoilers in the video, just don't look at the comments though) it's a sort of tribute to Merlin and Arthur as characters and their journey after season 4 ended. There are a couple of deleted scenes in it, but as I said, no spoilers. If you feel like watching it, here's the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpCjLwdXQQs&ab_channel=InspirationxStrikes / Well, I can't wait for your reaction to season 5 opening. I'll share the link to the promo for the season after the second episode reaction (it's not really spoilery for the rest of the season), it's just one of the best promo they did and it's definitely gonna get you hyped for the season :D Sorry if this comment is a bit of a mess, but compared to my rants on tumblr after the episode aired, this is quite organised XD Have a good week and until next reaction :D

Jay Herbo

Reign is a decent show to watch after Merlin (the story’s are somewhat similar but they don’t focus on magic )