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Dark 3x08 Reaction Part 1 


Dark 3x08 Reaction Part 2


 Highlight Dark Episode 8 Reaction




Hey, great job. I really like that Peter and Benni ended up together in the origin world. I think the ending might have had even more emotional impact for me if we didn’t end on Hanna, since I really disliked her in both the previous worlds. I just wasn’t invested in her at all. I had the same feeling as you about not connecting too deeply with the characters - except Jonas. I really liked him. I just want to take a moment to thank you for all of your reactions. I will probably be leaving Patreon at the end of the month. But I have really enjoyed your reactions to some of my all time favorite shows (Dark, Firefly, OG Skam). Many reactors pretend to like the shows they are watching, because they know that’s what the fans want to see. But I always felt like you were honest in your reactions, so if you were enjoying a show, I knew that was genuine. And *that* is what I appreciate. As I said, I will be leaving soon, but I will be keeping an eye out for what else you are doing. I also want to recommend that you watch Fleabag, if you haven’t yet. It’s 2 short seasons with short episodes, but much more complex than it first appears. It is very reaction-worthy, but I’m not sure how many of your viewers would like it. But even if you don’t react to it, you may want to watch it on your own. I think that you would really enjoy it, based on your appreciation of quality writing and complex characters. The pacing and comedic timing are fantastic, and it delivers quite an emotional punch by the end of it. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all the reactions. ✨


Thank you so much for being such an active Patreon always enjoyed reading your comment and hearing your opinions, the fact you've supported the channel for so long no way to say thank you enough, fleabag Comedy-drama seem quite interesting might check it out could be good replace for Dark as it looks short