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Uncut  https://vimeo.com/431250740/3f514f1b04 


battlestar galactica 1x1 Reaction



The original BSG is nothing like this one. A fleet in search of Earth, the characters, the cylons are the only thing they have in common. In the original Starbuck was a cigar smoking playboy character ( a man). You should look up a couple clips of BSG 1978 on YouTube just for laughs! It's SO MUCH different. You don't have to worry about spoilers or anything, because like I said, 2 completely different shows, Although there is some of the original BSG score sprinkled here and there in this one to pay homage. The six with Baltar is very different than the other cylons and Six models because she is one of the only ones to actually spend time with humans..that she also fell in love with. Thanks dude, have a great week!


It's an interesting observation you made about the Olympic Carrier. Ronald D Moore was actually furious with Syfy over that scene. The original scene had people that you could clear see from the window frame, and even children looking out to look at Apollo. But the prospect of a military fighter gunning down a civilian ship, even for the right reasons was too much for cable TV. They wanted the scene cut completely, but ended up with the compromise of it being lowering the blinds and making it dark without actual visible humans behind it. This scene is still powerful without the blatant imagery but this is the kind of things the creative writers sometimes have to fight for against the networks.

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Not longer after 9/11 either, so the idea of military shooting down highjacked aircraft to prevent a great tragedy would still have been sensitive