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Uncut The Expanse 4x08 Part 1 Reaction 


Uncut The Expanse 4x08 Part 2 Reaction



The Expanse 4x08 Reaction



Great reaction. I'm not sure why Avasarala's husband is surprised that she would pull something like that , we've known she's ruthless from the first season with the Martian Ambassador. Maybe because he's a new guy who doesn't know her as well as we do 😉 Interesting that you just now made the connection between the rings and the state of Mars. I thought it was obvious from the first couple of episodes in S4, but apparently not because another reactor was pissed that they were spoiled on that reveal early on . I thought the general was way off base blaming Avasarala. It was his responsiblity and if he had any reservations he shouldn't have greenlit the operation. That's all on him. Good riddance.


Got to admit just forgot about mars, i was just too focused on on the belter and earth conflict. i see what the general was saying but I agreed unfair to lay the blame all on her

Peadar O'Ruadhán

Really liked this episode. Love how once again.. someone who we viewed as a bit of a scumbag, the Cop, is really humanised, and not a full villian. Amos in that state is really scary. Remember as well, in S3, Amos tells Alex that he hasn't felt fear since he was 5 years old., and now we hear that story about him in the basement at 5 yo, when 'They' would come. Obviously something REALLY dark happened to him then


Just a note here, Holden didn't use a nuke to blow up that piece of tech. He used a missle, not "nuke. Can't wait for the next 2 eps! Thanks :)