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Hi all, this month's small plugin, Additional Text Codes, is now ready for the Alpha stage! The name has been changed to Message System, but it still aims to add a lot of new and useful text codes 😊

There are standard text codes for things like enemy names, item name + icon, etc. as well as text codes for switching the window tone, padding, skin, and back opacity. You can make text bold or italics, change the outline color, outline width, and text opacity too.

There are also some text codes unique to CGMZ plugins, such as one that draws the profession name + icon, or the reputation name + icon. There are CGMZ text codes for Professions, Crafting, Reputations, Dungeon Tools, Difficulty, and Currency System. Now that this plugin is in alpha, I will most likely add more icon properties to my other plugins to add text codes here for drawing other plugin properties via easy to use text codes.

Here are some of the new text codes in action:

Over time, more text codes will be added. However, please let me know if there is any text code you need that this plugin doesn't have, and I will try to get it added.

Currently the planned features that are not yet in this plugin are:
1) Options to change message window height (message window only)
2) Conditional text codes to display text only in certain conditions

Have any feature suggestions for things not already planned? Let me know in the comments below or in my Discord's #suggestions channel!

Happy RPG Making!

Hi all, today this plugin was updated to version Alpha R2! 

This update adds a new text code for displaying a random text out of given options. You can use it by typing \rand[x|y|z], and the plugin will randomly choose between x, y, or z to display!

This update also adds a few plugin commands for some control over the message window. You can now change the message window windowskin and windowskin tone by plugin command, so you don't need to always type those text codes in each show text command. Hopefully this will cut down on some text codes in your messages.


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