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Hi all, this is the first Standard CGMZ plugin as voted on by patrons :)

The Mailbox plugin adds a mailbox system to your game. With it, you can send the player mail via plugin commands, and the player can check the mailbox scene to read the mail. Mail can have images mixed in between the text similar to how a custom entry works in my Encyclopedia plugin.

Mail can have attachments which the player can take, which can be either items, weapons, armor, or currency (including support for CGMZ Currency System currencies). Attachments can be collected only once, and then they will no longer display on the mail.

In the mailbox scene, players can mark mail as read which can display a separate mail icon next to the list window. Each mail can have its own separate mail icon(s) for read/unread mail. You can use this to coordinate mail types, such as maybe romantic letters in your game are colored red while some other type of letter is colored a more standard brown color. Mail is also sorted by order received, with the most recent pieces of mail being shown first in the list.

Planned features to be added:
1) Option to display that the attachments were collected already
2) Option to hide letter information before opened
3) Option to allow player to delete letters

Want additional features not already present/listed above? Make suggestions on the Patreon Post or in my discord under the #suggestions channel! https://discord.gg/Gbx7JXP

Hi all, this plugin has been updated to version Alpha R2 today!

This update adds toast manager integration for receiving letters and collecting attachments. Now you can show a toast window when the player receives a letter, and you can also show one for each item collected from an attachment to a letter when the mail is opened.

This update also adds a sound effect parameter to play when a piece of mail is opened. There is a default sound effect parameter which will play if a letter does not have a sound effect, or you can also assign different sound effects for each letter.


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