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Hi all,

This port of my CSCA Gathering for VX Ace took a while longer than I expected, mostly due to how many different areas of the engine it touches. I think it is finally far enough along to be useful to people though, so I am releasing it into Alpha today with some already-planned updates to make it even better soon!

This plugin implements a gathering or "farming" system into your game. Basically, you set up a node in the plugin parameters, add stages of growth to the node, and the plugin takes care of the rest. It will automatically progress the node from stage to stage and allow the player to harvest it when ready. You could use this for farming, foraging, mining, or any time when you want a "node" of something to grow automatically in the background.

This plugin also integrates with CGMZ Professions to allow you to make profession level requirements as well as receive profession exp automatically when successfully harvesting a node. It also works with CGMZ Toast Manager to show a toast window with the results of the gather, whether it is successful or not.

Each node is based on a normal event, and the event commands can run (if the player can harvest the node), so you can use any regular event command while the player is harvesting the node too.

Let me know if you have any suggestions for features you'd like added to this!

Alpha Update April 28, 2023: Hi all, this plugin has been updated today to add some better eventing features. Now you can opt to run a common event on gather success/fail, and these common events can be different per node. You can also have the node change the event priority based on the growth stage, so you can make it so the player can walk on top of a small planted seed but maybe not once it matures into a full plant.

There were also plugin commands added to get the node's current stage, to advance the node's stage by 1, and to reset the node. This should make it easier to event a way to have the player "plant" a gathering node.

Alpha R2 Update: Hi all, this plugin was updated to version Alpha R2 today 🎉!

This update adds success and fail sound effects which will play when gathering succeeds or fails. You can have global sound effects which can play for any node, or node-specific sound effects which will only play for that node. In the case there is more than one possible sound effect, a random sound effect will be chosen.

This update also added per-node messages for not having the required tools or not having the required [CGMZ] Profession level to harvest the node. These node-specific messages will override the default messages shown if set. See gif below for different messages per-node:

This update also added some smaller quality of things things, such as the option to change the message window background style for gathering messages. It also added a plugin command to advance every node's stage by 1, which might be useful if you want every node to advance a growth stage if you require your player to sleep before they can advance stages.

This update also fixes a few bugs. You can now harvest nodes which do not require any tools. Node events will have their priority set accurately as soon as they start growing, instead of waiting for a stage advance. The game will no longer crash when loading into a saved map that has a growing node. Lastly, this plugin will no longer crash when invalid JSON is detected in your plugin parameters, instead it will warn you in the dev tools console. These warnings are still important to fix, as the parameters with invalid JSON will not function properly until fixed.

Hi all, this plugin received an update to Alpha R3 today!

This is a small update to fix a pretty serious bug with the plugin that could cause the player or events to randomly appear above star passability tiles. If you noticed your player, followers, or events randomly seeming to briefly walk on top of a tree tile, or some other star passability tile, this may have been the issue.

This update also fixed a bug with the variance for items, where it would actually vary by 1 less than the amount set in the plugin parameters. Now it should correctly vary by the amount set in the parameters.



Hey i am having problems setting the node up.. please help. i get an error with the growthTime