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Ooo sexy angle, I pray you stay in good health in this process. And I hope the time you’ve spent working on Milfy City bears prominent fruit


Love it!

Samuel E. N. Furlano

I still think something special needs to be given to all the Patrons who waited patiently for any signs of life during that long, cold darkness >:[. Custom pics of our favorite girls please :D!


Thank you for sticking with this project! It's clearly a labor of love, but also a tough project to keep going while working through health issues. I know the wait has been long, but I hope you take time to rest and recuperate in this process even if it pushes back release by a bit. We all stand to gain from your health: a happier game creator who enjoys their work means a better game in the end.

paul dunsford

I,m surprised it's still ongoing this has been dragged out for years , some creators just like rinsing anyone daft enough to continue to be a subscriber , it obvious patreon never asked for changes as there's more BDSM etc on other games


true art takes time some of the AAA games take 10+ years with full teams and proper funding its only 1.50 a mounth for this

paul dunsford

Strange comment as other creators don,t have issues with consistent releases and this is,not aaa game

ivano rossi

hi guys, does version 0.71c work well for you? I downloaded a wallktrough from the internet but I stop at day 1, there's no joke at school and it doesn't let me look for the key... I can't figure out if it's a problem with the game which is the 2017 version, or it depends on myself ... ??? If anyone has any suggestions they are welcome. thank you

ivano rossi

hello, I discovered that version 0.71 B works correctly, so I think there is some problem with this version. I saw that it was released in 2017 (5 years ago), is there any newer updated version? because I can't find it on the site, this doesn't work (071c) Does anyone have any information on this?


can you resend invitation? because old one doesn't work :/

ivano rossi

ok, thanks, but the problem is that I'm on discord, but I don't understand how it works to write to someone or talk to someone I can't do it. I don't speak English so it's difficult for me, and I saw that here on patreon don't reply to messages I wrote to him several times but nothing, surely I have to do it on discord but I can't. Is there an email address to write to? thanks anyway for the reply

greg mitchell

Wow you’re a glutton for punishment. This dude disappeared for a full year and comes back with “snapshots, and y’all excited. Shouldn’t have posted anything without having a new update ready to roll

Claire Bear

The link from 21 Oct. should work again, i just tried and it worked.