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 Hey everyone, it’s time for some news and I also wanted to take a minute to explain something that seems to be bothering some of you quite a bit.


Firstly, I think it’s important and it needs to be explained immediately. I received a message on Discord yesterday telling me that I am an "asshole" because I did not respond to messages sent to me by my Patrons.

The problem is that I’m getting TOO MANY MESSAGES to physically reply to each and every one! Trust me, if it were within my power to do so, I would love to personally reply to each whenever message. However, it’s not possible for me to work on the game and respond to the messages at the same time. I can’t do both. :(

At the moment I have above 738 messages unread. Assuming it takes me about a minute or two to reply to each one, I would have to spend over 12 and a ½ hours trying to get on top of these. And by the time I had finished there would be new messages and replies as well. At the minute I'm spending over 12 hours each day working on designing new scenes and images, replying to messages would greatly slow down development speed.

The best solution is to go to our discord and ask your question in one of the channels.

(Please read the rules first :) )

We have a fantastic community on the discord, brimming with people who want to be actively involved in helping other Patrons with their queries. I also post exclusive pictures and updates on there that are too hot for Patreon!

Discord link:


 (You can now connect your patreon account with discord to get access to the hidden channel with bonus previews.


Full steam ahead! 

Everyone is busy working on the new release. The programmer is working on two new minigames. The writer is finishing Caroline's storyline, and I’m finishing rendering Celia’s content. (Renders for Caroline and Cindy are finished.)

At the moment there is more than 1100 renders. I’m working all day and doing everything I can do to release this extra large version this month. I hope I’ll manage to do it without any delays. I’m certain that I’ll finish working on the images within 8-12 days. The problems is that there are still animations and testing to do. IF there will be a delay in the release I can only apologize and promise to send the game to all of you who pledge for this month. I think it’s fair for everyone. 

If you want to see all the previews for the upcoming release with Caroline, Celia, Cindy and the neighbors please go take a look at our discord channel. :)


A lot of messages I’ve got is asking about my health and how am I doing in life. After this little break I feel a lot better. Of course I’m still not in 100% best condition but I’m handling and working on everything as I used to be. Thanks everyone of you for your concern. :)


And here’s a small preview with Cindy. I'm sure some of you might notice the reference. :P

 As always, thank you for your continued support. I hope you are looking forward to the next version of Milfy City! 




Just time take your time bro and release the update, whenever it's done. So don't force yourself into working in overdrive, take care!


Thanks for the update. Please look out for yourself before the game. We love what you do. But heath is more important then the art!


Thanks for update


Take your time. Quality is what drew me to your game and the reason that I pledged is to help that continue. Yes, I am looking forward to the new release. But like a well prepared meal, I can wait until it is perfectly ready. Then I will devour it.


Some really believe the artists have no life of their own, well that was just one, too bad probably think a parr like that. It is good that the most part or many of the later bits to you more. you were probably intrested. We look forward to our when the next update is ready. But good things take time. Think most know that. and i'd rather wait another 1-2 months for a good version. at state speed a version then on time pressure then not worked out well. Stay healthy and have fun with everything you do.


you are not an asshole. perfection takes time. the ones who have pledge to help continue this community thank you for what you have given us. dont listen to those people. they are just needy little children who dont understand how these types of projects work. your doing a good job. keep it up bro


Most of the messages you get are probably: "When the next update?". Demands "you should do this..." and "you should do that...". And sadly the more meaningful ones drown in those.


Your always gonna get a few people who believe they are entitled to some sort of preferential treatment like personal service. Most have no idea what it takes to provide quality entertainment like this but at least theyre patient, 99.9% of us appreciate everything your doing.


the author is not to blame, just everyone is waiting and patient is ending for many


Mini-games ? What ? 🤔 Curious . . .



Gray Metal Fox

Impatience as well as inconsideration sometimes go hand in hand. People feel 'entitled' because they pay, though totally voluntarily on their part, which empowers them to be 'assholes' when they are not getting attention. Oh, well as the increase of patrons grow, it has to be expected you are going yield a crop of 'assholes' as well. Thanks for the hard work ICSTOR, it's appreciated.


keep up the good work, its a rly entertaining game


So it seems that version 0.6 could be ready at the end of month. If this is so, you will be just in time and wait would have been worth :S


Gogo. Dont listen to complainers. You doing a realy great work


Thank you for your hard work and ignore the haters. Real fans will see the amount of effort you put into this and appreciate what they have.


Haters gonna hater ignore them you make really a great wrk


you do awesome work and let them ignorant they have nothing else better to do smh.


Ppl need to chill lol


sounds like you need an executive assistant


Dont listen to them dude just keep on doing what you doing! 😁 looking forward to the next update


Take youre time a quality game needs time always. Jus as me now I am recovering after knee surgery done on the 2.8. I fwel better now but still have the stiches there and the moving ability will be 100% maybe next month... keed youre time we will patiently wait for the update.




A faithful good work takes time ;) take your time


The best game ! ❤️


take the time you need, id rather wait for a good finished product then a rushed piece of crap like an EA game.


So eggcited!!! ><


No worries m8. Health is more important then any game. And if some dont like the waiting they should quit ur page or shut up. Ignorant ppl who dont know shet. Looking forward to next episode. Take ur time


That's all good Icstor, these things take time and thank you for the update on the game! I look forward to it and thank you for your continued hard work!


I donated 10 dollars how to watch a channel with private previews?


Connect Patreon with Discord and then join the Discord Channel


Take your time. A game like this is totally worth waiting for ;)

Fake Name Real Money

love the game and can't wait to get back into some new content


I am sorry that people don't understand that game development takes time, resources, and money. I appreciate what you do, although I can't find where to download the game. I feel a bit stupid.


I feel like this goes without saying, but health comes first, work second. As for deadlines, know that some of us are more patient than others. Take the time you need, we'll still be here when you guys are ready. (Plus, i don't want my new favorite devs to get burnt out again. ;)


Just scroll down the "posts section" for awhile. It will come up with 0.5c for the last version.


Question are u going to add more characters in this game like policewoman or friend of the family or aunt


I love that game . Please keep going. I will wait I will pay I will Support. I love the details . This game should last a long long time🙏

Ira Waltrip

Where can I download the Android version with mods??

Ira Waltrip

where is the content manager located? and is there a incest version?


Honestly in love with your game immediately after finding it, look forward to the next big release and also look forward to progressing, you've got a new supporter in me!


Is this a scarface reference or am I dumb and its something else

Joel J Delgado

How do you download the update once released


Just got introduced to your work through a "chan" page, if you catch my drift. Honestly the best Sim Game I have ever seen. I'm a bit late to the party, but your goal says full-length animation for the future, as it has been reached. - - I was wondering if anyone could clarify if this was going to be a prize reward for "maxing" characters, or if scenes already in use would be updated in the future. - - Doesn't matter either way to me, my monetary support is remaining here until this is fully completed. :)


I CAN'T WAIT, your content is awesome, love it :)


Can't wait for the new update


Is the update coming soon? I'm very excited :-)


Man it would be awesome if this week, although quality work takes time


Come on man. Come through! COME THROUGH FAM!


Keep working hard.


a bit drunk.... hoping to see a 100%...

paul dunsford

when can we expect release then ? been pledging for months and waiting


Hi everybody. I'm new here and I have a question before pledging for more: is the game running on Mac ? I'm not 100% sure so I ask :) Thank you !!


I think we need an update. August is almost over.


i think there will be a post instead of update


Well, yeah that's what i mean 😅 a post with a update about the status of the relase.


As it seems, ICSTOR will be not in time. 3 days to end of August and no news. Still waiting :S


Im still wondering if we will get to a full year between the last update and this one. (not including the xmas special episode)


yeah i'm quite disappointed that ha he can't stick to his commitments. it's taken him pretty much 9 months to get this done. he has over 6,000 paying customers and to not be able to deliver a product is ridiculous.


Hi sir i know you had some health and personal problems and thats why you have delayed in the game i hope you are now ok and waiting for the new updates. Love your work keep it on


Arctic Monkey is right. it costs $10 to get the game lets assume all patrons pay that amount he makes $68,89 each month. even if ou of the 6889 patrons only 5,000 paid the $10 then he'd still make $50,000 each month. Lets not forget that a lot also pay the top tier of $100. I think it's fair to assume he makes over $100,000 a month. If thats the case he would have made $900,000 since the last game was released. We all get and appreciate that this game is a pure work of art and we are happy to wait. But if you say august then you should deliver in August. Right now we are basically giving him free $ whilst we wait for another episode. Out of the 9 months we only got one free month . I really hope we releases the game soon and again we appreciate and understand the hard work and that it takes time but please release soon.


I find it ridiculous.. i get he has some kind of issues, ok, take your time, rehabilitate, do the best for you, but 9 months, dude, 1 month vacation after the last release, 2 months pause while he was having personal issues, what about the 6 months? 0 work done and so many subscriptions taken, for nothing, and he is waiting for september, just to take the money. I know we are wankers but we aint stupid dude? this is such a huge disrespect to your followers and fans of your work.. you either say "i'm not willing to work right now, so you don't have to subscribe to me", or say you will release it on august and release it on august, this sucks


idk it's weird cuz there *is* work done, if the thousands of renders are any indication. It's just that they're not released, but presumably ready to go. He just needs to release more regularly even if it means more WIP warnings.


i am so ready for for the new updates im running out of things to do lol


no luck with the new release? :(


100% please


Now marked as in testing.