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 Hey guys,

I guess it’s about damn time to give some news about progress on the newest update!

Version 0.6

I’m not gonna lie, that this month was one of the worst month for me in my life. I’m amazed that I managed to complete 30% of the update. I’ll try to catch up with the progress in February since most of the issues have now calmed down. The next version should be ready for March.

To those who are still unaware, this update is focused on Caroline and Celia. You should be prepared for a lot of action. :)


As always I don’t want to reveal too much and spoil the surprises. I'll slowly start adding previews in the middle of February. There will be only about four to six pictures. (On discord)


What about polls now as we know the cast for the next few updates? 

There are still some things I want to discuss with you guys. For example, the poll in March will be about the bush style on a certain character that usually has a lot of votes in polls. I’ll look into other polls as well as issues and ideas crop up.

As always, thank you for your continued support. I hope you are looking forward to the next version of Milfy City!




I'd love to see more of school tbh.


great game so far keep it up


Oh more bush would be nice looking forward to that poll.


I would love them to add Spanish, I have seen other games that already add other languages ​​in beta versions. thanks ... great game


die Deutsche sprache wäre auch super für das tolle Game


😍 Big Sis!

Gray Metal Fox

At this point being another Caroline update, I hope by now the main character finally gets actual intercourse with her. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed all the scenes with her up to this point, but like the last update with Linda, the MC needs to finally close the deal on that pussy. Which is probably why she always wins out on the polls. It needs to happen. LOL I am looking forward to the Celia update.


Never get enough of Caroline!


Yees, story getting hotter! Caroline and Celia are worth the wait :) Keep up your amazing work!


Hope things get better for you, friend. Take your time on it


You do know this update will bring Caroline to 5/5 right?


life aint easy sometimes and i wish you the best in the future. this game has so much potential. im glad i got to experience what you have created so far. we appreciate the update and what you do. keep your head up


Sorry for all your issues, but when I saw 30% I thought you were working on the final goal, meaning fully animated sex scene. I don't wanna be an ass here but I think we still need to keep it professional. Are you ever gonna deliver that promise?


You have 5K patrons now, I guess at least 10 grand income monthly. If full sex scenes are too overwhelming for you alone then I think you need to hire other people, establish a studio, and I think this is the website's intention


Auu! March is soo far! :-( I am sad because Caroline is my top-top girl of all VNs yet, can't wait! Wish you all the best!


You have 5K patrons now, I guess at least 10 grand income monthly. If full sex scenes are too overwhelming for you alone then I think you need to hire other people, establish a studio, and I think this is the website's intention #retwet


Damn that's a bomb Carolin and Celia, damn it gets hot. Oh Carolin I hope that in the future it seems possible that she will have sex with each of her model Desu but she does not care much for good luck to see what you thought out there^^ Wish you all the best and good luck, do not let it get you down. Thanks a lot for all your work and effort


Thanks for the update! Been waiting for more content from Celia. Really can't wait for more content from Judy and neighbor girl, whatever her name is. February can't come soon enough


I love it all, I just dont have the patience lol


More about Linda


Caroline and Ceclia are my two favorite especially Caroline!!!! Keep up the great work, I just found your game and played it all weekend, need sleep and rest now :)


sorry to hear that it was a bad month hope it gets better keep up the good work my dude!

GreenOnion Soup

More about Linda and Teacher info..:(


Chin up, little buckaroo.

Pirata Obscuro

so we pay every month but ur game is not updated at the same time?


hello I want to thank the person behind the game is a game with very good quality is in the top 1 I think I had never subscribed to Patreon I had never spent money on these things but I think that as fascinated as it is worth to support you I hope and Do not leave the game abandoned and bring those updates as soon as possible that you have enough support from these people who think the same way as me, Caroline I think is the best character in the game as the mom and celia the other characters are also good but not As much as those already mentioned I am glad that the next update will focus on celia and caroline and another detail put more images in movibiento would be my opinion I hope that update as soon as possible thanks,. ;3


Are there any movements to making an android version?

Mark Brugman

I have a question are u going to bring also maybe a black girl in there. To create a story with. Like a good friend of the family comes back home from vacation and is back in town.


Mark you dirty dog Haha you wanna bang a black woman! Good on you mate let's bang us a black woman. Bring back black! Bring back black! Bring back black!


more celia Blackmail!! im so evil lol


More womans to blackmail i like this hehe, and with more orders te give


Is it possible that i finnished the game allready in this stage?? can't do anything else then the things ive been doing for a couple off days. Everything else is work in progress availlable soon or not yet availlable.

Mr. Lesnoy

At this moment,unfortunately, yes. But there will be more content in future updates. Technically it's only half of game, i guess.


the update is 50% the creator said that we hope that in March comes the 6.0 update


Look i think you do an excellent product and story, but making people wait this long is going to burn your base and loss people from wanting your product. so please speed it up and have new content ever month at minim


& you act like masterpieces are completed in under 4 months, stop whining and take some time to realize the best work takes time and hard work to get delivered the way we like it.


Hears an Idea for those who are not patient about getting updates every month then you are apparently not interested in the creators of this fine creative product improving the product of their labors and are happy with just GOOD. If you are not satisfied with their efforts, you can reduce your payments until you feel they are giving you what you are paying for. I for one am very happy with their performance but would appreciate more status updates when there are good reasons for the delay. Keep up the great work y'all.

DR Venksa

I,ll wait for a bit , playing world of warships and tanks now anyways


I usually don't even like the graphic novel type games but this is really fun and the story is funny as hell

DR Venksa

Way cool 60% (clapping) ;)


Release date in March will be definitely difficult now :(


icstor usually updates 10% a week so I don't think that is going to be possible we still need to add the testing and bugs so that is like another week. 1st week of April maybe possible depends on progress.


While I do get impatient sometimes in waiting for 0.6, I fully understand that greatness takes time.


i definitely think everything in this game and coming in future updates is worth the wait and i will gladly wait for this update

Fake Name Real Money

So we have heard from him all month but the percentage has been going up... I'm going to assume whatever issues he was having in January has carried over to some extent into February. I do think there's a good a chance he'll finish and put it out by the end of the month, but I wouldn't mind a quick check... even if it is just in comment form so we know he's doing okay... I'm really lookiing for to the next release


man can't wait for the next update. This game is GOOD!


Been over a month and no post, and you've got over 5000 subs.. time to employ some help or be straight with us that you cant keep up. Cause you making a killing, and were not getting any content and when we do, its always the same characters. Yes its great, but some variety would be great too.

Steven Riley

Update on next version

DR Venksa

I am standing by On my other games as of now , could be a deep game here . We will see ;)


I cannot wait! These are just fantastic!


plz fast. more faster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Iam a patreon now but i cant play any Games Hey?


Any new updates soon?


No Sara love yet? :[

GreenOnion Soup

I waiting for next Version. But,it's very hard..


Any way you can make an android port for this game


Hurry up!~ V0.6... Please ...

mike wallawitz

is there going to be a post with a timeline update soon?


The world may never know.


Am I paying for one post what ICSTOR is doing every 3 god damn months...?


looks like he is having some realife issues or something like that ...maybe


unsub till new content comes out, his just rolling in money at this point


What part of march.


year 2030


Most games like this hit a lull when life catches up and the muses run cold. The extent of this delay is comparatively MINOR. If you take issue change your patronage amount, but beware your criticism; it doesn't motivate a person downed by life, it only adds to the weight holding them down.


I hope Icstor that everything is ok. This is such a superb game and your previos games were also top of the notch<3


I understand what you are saying, but it would be normal for one of the crew to send a message. Even really short with no explanations or excuses, just to give an update, it's polite and professional. When you are an employee, you warn your boss that you can't go to work, you don't just stop to come. In this case, patreons are the clients/boss.


updates will be?


When is the new update? It's such a great game and I couldn't wait any longer! PLEASE GIVE US SOMETHING! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!


If MilfyCity stops it will be a very sad day indeed. Such an incredible game :)


it has been a while sense an update maybe some info would be nice


Any news in when in March the update will come ? Can't wait for it :D


I fear there is a real issue here, health or else for Icstor and his team. Soon 2 month on Patreon and one month on Discord without any post... I have a bad feeling about this.


Icstor has been on discord today and yesterday. Lets give 'em a bit of space and trust in their otherwise stellar and consistent work ethic.


It never happened for Milfy City, in almost 2 years, I checked. So it's normal to be a little worried, don't you think ?


What is the ETA on 0.6? The anticipation is killing me


기다리다 죽겠어요


We need an update from you, it's agonizing waiting for this :-D


Its getting annoying to see the same last news update. >:(


Icstor mentioned on discord that he will provide an update this week.

Johnny P

Wow long time without any communication...hope everything is OK


Personally I think it's a big issue to not even post some news. Everyone would expect updates on the game monthly, but not even news/updates on the progress in 2 months? The project is nice, but this situation is not.


For those who didn't know yet, Icstor wrote on Monday on Discord general : "I'll add a new post this week to inform everyone about the current situation." For me, there is an issue of some sort.


I thought he said he was going to post something this week on discord but nothing shows up. It's been way too long. And in the last update he said he is going to keep up the progress on March but it's gonna be April in 2 weeks. That will be 3 months since his last update.


everyone keeps talking about discord but I dont see any link to it anywhere?


Google is your friend.. [other search engines are available]


Anyone know how I can achieve the money icon for my computer?